Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I love my crockpot!

Honestly, I don't know what I did without one of these. Right now I actually own two of them. Apparently I had a slow cooker that I registered for and received for my bridal shower back in December 2001 that I never took out of the box until we moved down South. What did I think, it would magically start cooking FOR me?

You know what? That's almost exactly what the darned thing did.

Seriously, I started using it so much that eventually the bottom started to peel and I had to toss it, but no worries, I currently own two official Rival Crock Pots.

This thing is my saving grace. It is amazing, incredible, a joy to have on hand for those days you'd like to have something home-cooked for dinner, but don't want to lift more than a few fingers for like 5-10 minutes before turning the thing on at around Noon. Like today, when I have so few groceries in my fridge/freezer or pantry that you'd think we'd wind up with peanut butter sandwiches for dinner. But, no! Crock Pot to the rescue!

And I'm going for an old standby recipe that I learned from the mommies' group I belong to. It's
salsa chicken, and it's sooooo good!

2-3 chicken breasts (fresh or frozen, but if you're like me they're almost ALWAYS frozen!)

1 jar salsa of your choice
1 can black beans (drained)
1 can corn (or frozen if that's all you have in the house)

Cook on low for about 6 hrs. With 1/2 hr to go in cooking feel free to add a block of cream cheese. Serve on top of rice (or toss the rice in with about an hour or so to go,) or with tortilla chips, and shredded taco flavored cheese on top. Or both! I love to add some sour cream to cut the spice, and my hubby prefers if I use taco sauce instead of salsa, as he doesn't like tomatoes or the chunks some salsas have, but sometimes you have to work with what you've got!

Anyway, there are so many other recipes out there, online, in cookbooks, from friends, you'll be ableto feed your family with your Crock Pot nearly every single day. In fact, I think there's a crockpot375 blog out there, as well. I'm not quite that brave, but if you are I say go for it!

And enjoy! Happy eating and easy cooking! **Andrea

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