Sunday, February 21, 2010

What the heck do I think I'm doing?

I signed up for a Twitter account last night. Some of you may have seen me start following you. I am still anti-FB, but having used Twitter for my business, I've become ever-so-slightly addicted to following people and reading lots of cool stuff, and I read somewhere the other day how Twitter is a great way for bloggers to connect (I think it was on Mama Kat's blog, but I forget and will check the link to be sure.)

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know, and tell you my "handle," if that's what it's called. I think that's what it's called. Right?

You can find me @ goodgirlgonered out there in Tweetaleedee Land!

So if you have an account, let me know here in my comments so I can find you! And follow ... and harass ... aw, you know you love me!


  1. I'm shellthings on there!

    I haven't been on for long, but I can see how it becomes addicting. The more I blog and tweet, the less I'm on facebook.

  2. I don't like Facebook all that much but I'm there too. I do twitter but here and there. It can be addicting if you let it. I'm hrtsmakefamily on there.


  3. I haven't gone to twitter yet. I'm afraid that I will get addicted. I already blog and read blogs too much. How does twitter help your blog?

  4. existentialwait is my twitter name - I look forward to seeing you there! ;)

  5. I'm still kind of getting used to Twitter. Kind of like it though... Thanks for the twitter follow. I'm following you too!

  6. I'd love to follow you on Twitter, but shoot, Andrea, I don't know what it is. I'm old and stupid and afraid of new things! (Well, not that old!) LOL

  7. Oh my. Welcome to Twitter. I for one, am addicted. If I tweet something offensive or silly just ignore me. Most people do...

  8. Thank you for the follow on twitter, Andrea! I'm not on FB either and am new to twitter last month but I also signed up hearing that it would be good to get traffic to my blog. I'm looking forward to following you!

  9. It doesn't take long to become a Twitter addict!

  10. Im actually liking Twitter better these says than FB!


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