Saturday, March 13, 2010

Playing Catch Up!

I received an award today from Tami over at Hearts Make Families, which reminded me that I am way behind on the blog award posts. I know many bloggers tend to say they won't accept awards anymore, likely because of the maintenance, but I'm cool w. it. I need to post as many as I can remember, and while I tend to not follow the rules of the award, I do try to pass it along when I can!

So, here's the one that Tami just gave me, too cool, no?

Back in January Mrs. Muffins passed along the Simply Fabulous Award to me. Which I LOVED, because it's all Sex and the Citied-Out. Check it:

And January must have been my month, because Michele over at Finding Trinity gave me this one:

And, I mean, how KICK A$$ is that?

And, yet again in January, I received the following award from two fun blogger friends! Rhaven from Surburban Rebel Mom and Julie from Just Playin' Around gave me the Lemonade Stand Award:

Let me not forget two awards I received last week! Kel, from Between The Lines was too sweet and passed along the Beautiful Blogger award, along with the Sunshine Award. How cute is this?

I am truly grateful for these incredible bloggy friends, and thankful that they've taken the time to pass on some lovin' to me! And so, I toss it right back to them. Check out their sites. Seriously, you won't regret it. And feel free to tell them that I sent you ... because a friend of a friend always becomes a new friend, right?


  1. Lol, I get behind too! It's okay though. Blog friends are very forgiving :)


  2. Wow! Cool awards. A lot of those I've never seen before. Congrats! Thanks for stopping by my blog too. Hope you had a good giggle!

  3. Congrats on all your great awards. :)

  4. Congrats you !!! great awards...luv Emm... Well deserved..!

  5. It rocks to get all those awards! Good for you! (Yeah, I'm jealous, but still...) Congratulations!

  6. Congratulations on all of them.


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