Monday, May 24, 2010

Being a mom means ...

* Eating lots of ice cream because you HAVE to.

* Splashing in puddles even when you don't want to!

* Watching several straight hours of Disney Channel or Nick Jr. on a rainy day.

* Wiping a runny nose with the bottom of your shirt.

* Showing excitement over a pretty yellow flower (weed!) collection.

* Reading the same book over and over and over again.

* Finding random toys shoved into random spots of your couch.

* Waking up in the morning to find that you've slept with various items [see random toys from previous remark] in your bed with you.

* Trying to remember the last time you ate a meal in a restaurant that didn't have to be in a booth so you could trap your child in her seat, where a kids' menu with crayons wasn't given out as you sat down, and where you didn't play a quick game or two or ten of tic-tac-toe before the food arrived.

* Hearing the words 'I love you, Mommy' and feeling your heart melt.

* Looking at her smiling face and listening to her laugh and thinking those are the best sights and sounds in the world.

* Never knowing again what it's like to be lonely or questioning what true love is, because you have it, live it and feel it every single day.


  1. Ahhh...I loved this!!!

  2. I love this.

    mamahood even on its most shittiest of days (yesIsaidit) ROCKS:)


  3. So very true. No wonder moms are always so tired. We keep so busy.

  4. Lovely post, Andrea! So true. I hate it when my kids make me eat ice cream. Such a chore! LOL!

  5. You got it. Great post. I laughed at the snotty shirt - too true.

  6. I am with you on all of these -- especially ice cream and melting hearts!


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