Monday, July 19, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday! (And Swap Update!)

My post for this week's Muffin Tin Monday is also my post to link up for the swap results.

We were partnered with Crystal, and we received our goodies late last week, and my lil one was super excited! Here are some pictures of her with all of our new Muffin Tin Monday related treats:

Crystal included a pretty bow she made for my daughter, which she wore for about a hot minute before getting into the "sparkles" aka sprinkles ... and before you knew it, we were baking sugar cookies with the cookie cutters (totally princess-y: a crown and a shoe!) and having a great time. So thanks, Crystal. And I hope you and your family enjoy the goodies I sent you as much as we love these. (And sorry for the delay!)


  1. It looks like you got some great stuff. And your swap partner was being extra creative by making a hair bow! We have that crown cutter, which we love. We need to get the shoe.

  2. Love it! OK, I've totally been wanting those muffin cups with little feet you lucky dog you!! ;-)

  3. Looks like you got some great stuff. Love the hair clip.

  4. I'm so glad you and your little one were both tickled about the swap goodies! It's Christmas in July!

  5. What great swap surprises! Your little girl is just adorable. :o)

  6. Love the pictures!! Looks like you got some great stuff!! My daughter used to call sprinkles sparkles too. lol

  7. OMG, I LOVE those muffin cups with feet!!

    And your daughter is just soooooo cute!!
    Ah, baking is always a big crowd pleaser. My daughters love it too - pretty sure they woulnd't be able to tell you if they prefer the baking part or the consumption of the baked goods ;-)

  8. Wow!! Looks like a fun package! Wish I could make girly cookies. But then the boys wouldnt eat them, and I'd eat all of them!

  9. Wow! What an awesomely fun package! I wanted to find those cups for my exchange, but couldn't. Love those footy cups!

  10. So glad you liked everything. We got our package today and love all the goodies. Will do a post later tonight. Thanks so much for being such a great swap partner.


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