Monday, July 12, 2010

The Pocket Therapist, Therese J. Borchard ~ book review

This book totally fell into my lap the other day. Almost literally.

I won it over at Retro Girl's place some time ago and so when I went to the mailbox last week and found it there, I was so psyched.

The Pocket Therapist: An Emotional Survival Kit 
is written by Therese J. Borchard, a writer and blogger and all-around incredible woman. In just under 200 pages, Borchard manages to fit in 144 tips on how to help yourself be emotionally stable and sound. 

Truly, it's a book worth reading. Whether you've experienced mental health issues or not, you're bound to find that you recognize yourself in her pages.

Some of my favorite tips from the book are:

#14 * Stir the oatmeal: "Stirring oatmeal is a humble act - not exciting or thrilling."
This small reminder us to just follow the norm and go for the day to day sometimes, and not look for the spectacular, is a HUGE one.

#58 * Build a guest-house for your feelings: basically let them stay for a night or two and then send them on their merry way. I LOVE IT!

#49 * Poke fun at your problems

#50 * Bawl your eyes out

#128 * File the feeling: Don't lash out in reaction, give yourself some time, watch the other person. File it away to help you determine if it's really and truly how you feel, or if you've been taken over by the rush of adrenaline that comes from feeling raw and angry

#94 * Go out and play

#133 * Don't quit five minutes before the miracle

These are all fantastic reminders that I will reflect on to get me through my day-to-day. I'm a huge fan of the book, and encourage you to pick up a copy. Heck, buy one for your mom, your sister, and/or your friends! It's worth a read.

* I've got an affiliate link in this post so if you buy the book through me I'll make a few cents towards my next read! *


  1. Oh I LOVE it! I may have to actually BUY a copy, since I usually just get things from the library!

  2. ok, Blogger must be cracking up again b/c this post looks like jibberish. the book i can see, but there are hieroglyphics (sp) underneath for your text.

    Oh Blogger, I loathe thee! I need this book, I know that much! Will have to come back later to read your review.

  3. Sounds like a great book!! Love the tips that you posted. Great advice!

  4. I won a copy of this book also can't want to read it.

  5. I would love this book! My mom had something similar in Spanish that she says has kept her centered throughout her life. I'm so glad you wrote about this.

  6. I would love this book! My mom had something similar in Spanish that she says has kept her centered throughout her life. I'm so glad you wrote about this.


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