Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Books to read in 2012

You know I have a truckload of books on my to-read shelves. And then some.

So I'm making a list of some I want to read in 2012, that are not a part of my review list. I have some interesting sounding reads lined up for the first quarter of the new year, but I am hopeful that I can also fit in a few reads I have had waiting for me for way too long.

Here are a few:

* Room, Emma Donoghue

* Little Bee, Chris Cleave

* Sing You Home, Jodi Picoult

* Say You're One of Them, Uwem Akpan

* The Invisible Bridge, Julie Orringer

* Pretty in Plaid and * My Fair Lazy, Jen Lancaster

* Skipping a Beat, Sarah Pekkanen
* Lime Tree Can't Bear Orange, Amanda Smyth
* Winter Garden, Kristin Hannah
* The Forgotten Garden, Kate Morton
* Cinderella Ate My Daughter, Peggy Orenstein (waiting for review copy)
* Father of the Rain, Lily King
* Left Neglected, Lisa Genova
* Dirt is Good for you, Babble.com editors
* The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, Alan Bradley (need to buy or borrow for book club)
* Bossypants, Tina Fey (waiting to buy paperback)

So obviously I wrote part of this a few weeks before the end of the year -because Room was one of the last books I read in 2011. And I read it in like a day! It was incredible. Absolutely amazing. But in my typical fashion of wanting to cross things off my lists, I'll leave it there. Fortunately, many of these books are already in my home, so I don't have to buy too many this year. Let's see how that works. I should give myself a book budget. Oh my - I think I might actually be onto something. Hmmn. I could never do a read all you have before you buy another book because it'll take me forever and a week to read what I have. But it might still be money-saving if I try to read like 5 books before I can buy one. Because I really want to buy Bossypants when it comes out in paperback. I love me some Tina Fey. Let's add that to the list!

How about you? What's on tap for your reading pleasure this coming year? Have you made a goal of how many books you want to read? I hope to hit 70 this year. We'll see how I do.


  1. I've had Room in my library for months. Just keeps getting put off because of other "must-reads." Bossypants is on my list as are the autobios from Rob Lowe and Diane Keaton.

    I haven't compiled my entire list although I've already read three books this year...

    Guess I should get going on that.

  2. Oooo thank you for this list. I've been wondering about something to read here lately.

  3. I just joined an online book club and the first book is Room. I must say I was not that excited to read it. I finally went to the library to get it and I read the first few pages and it has been tempting me all day, but I have had no time to read today ;(

  4. I've read 3 of those - Room, The Forgotten Garden, and Winter Garden. The Forgotten Garden I read last month, and loved so much that I picked up another of Morton's books. But all 3 were really great reads!

  5. I didn't care for "Room". I may be the only one to feel that way because it gets great revues. I did enjoy The WInter Garden and The Forgotten Garden though.

    You might try looking for a Used Book Store near you. Everywhere we have lived has had one. I do the Trade thing so I come out with books for free. It works for me. I'm a big library person and now I have a Kindle so,I understand your bookaholicness. :)


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