Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Who doesn't love cozy slippers?

I received an email recently from LoveSac offering me an opportunity to review their cozy slippers. Normally I'd think over an offer (I did), check out their website (I did), and their other products (did that, too!). Then I'd think about it a bit. (I did that, as well.)

Then I usually think some more. But I'll be honest. These slippers looked so cozy, I couldn't help but say yes.

LoveSac is an alternative furniture company with lots of cool stuff on their website. From couches to beanbag-like chairs (the original LoveSac), to blankets and slippers - their goal is to create things that bring you comfort.

So, back to the slippers.

First of all - look at how pretty they were packaged:

I thought of it as a beautiful present just for me. And then I tried them on. Cozy beyond words. I'm all about pampering my feet, and they're so comfortable I couldn't be happier. I will admit to sweating in them a little bit. Not so much a negative, but after a while I had to take them off to let my toes breathe. Sorry. I'm not a foot fan, so believe me, talking about them is no picnic. I'm just trying to be honest in my review. Could be that I just wasn't used to having my feet closed up this way. But the plushness of the insoles of these slippers was well worth the test run. I am keeping them hidden so the dogs don't turn them into chew toys and so the cats don't - well - let's just say take them for themselves, alright?

And if you couldn't guess by the picture below - even my daughter loved them and had to give them a try. But now they're all mine!

Take a look here for complete details on these cozy comforts. Regularly priced at $59, they appear to be on sale for $39 right now. And they come in a really cute green. And while true that I'd probably have fared better with the darker color as I'm afraid of these picking up the fur that sneaks away from my broom. - it's okay because they're COZY!

So if you're interested check them out. And the comfy pillows and other items they have on their site. While it might not be something you'd spend on for yourself, I'm sure there is someone you love whose feet you'd love to pamper. So check them out as a great gift option for your mom, dad, grandparent or significant other. And if you're so inclined, get a pair for you. You'll be glad you did!

** I received a pair of these slippers from LoveSac to facilitate this review. All expressed opinions are strictly my own. **


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