
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Zachary Levi needs our help! #IwantmyNerdHQ

Okay, so take a look at the adorable Zachary Levi. He's a nerd like me. And you. 

Don't pretend you're not one. We all know that most bloggers are ... at least a little bit. *wink*

Oh, don't get huffy now. It's a compliment. I promise.

Now - let's talk NerdHQ.

NerdHQ is an event that Zac (we're that close, I can call him that - fine, we're not but I will anyway!) is working to get off the ground again this year. He is trying to raise funds, get sponsors, do all the things that are required for an extremely large and exciting event such as NerdHQ.

I won't do it justice, but I'm happy to help promote this event because ALL OF THE PROCEEDS from the actual event will go to Operation Smile. So while the event is free to anyone attending, there will be things for sale and whatnot, and those proceeds will go towards supporting this incredible organization.

As stated on Zac's NerdHQ Indiegogo page:

"As always, One Hundred Percent (100%) of the money raised by panels, auction items, photos and signings will continue to be donated to Operation Smile."

Joss Whedon, Zachary Levi, and Nathan Fillion at Nerd HQ 2013

To find out more about NerdHQ you can watch this video:

Consider donating to help get NerdHQ off the ground by contributing at the Indiegogo NerdHQ page.

And if you want to spend a good hour or so with Zachary Levi? Check out him being extra adorable in this video below. He's got loads of info on NerdHQ and answers a bunch of questions about Chuck, himself, and pretty much whatever gets asked of him (he even tells someone he can't ask them to marry him - but soo soo cute anyway!).

And if you skip to about fifteen minutes in you'll hear him talk about Operation Smile, how NerdHQ is NOT a non-profit, but they absolutely whole-heartedly support one with all of their efforts.

It's worth a watch. At the very least you'll realize that he's not just a celeb. He's a normal guy. Normal. Open. Honest. Real. Raw. Just like you and me.


* This post is sponsored by the Entertainment New Media Network. I have not received any compensation for this post, but am participating as an ENMN influencer at this time. *


  1. I love this. It is always wonderful to see celebrities use their popularity for something good.


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