
Sunday, November 30, 2014

What I wrote in November. Here. There. Everywhere.

I am finishing up NaBloPoMo and can't believe I mostly made it.

I didn't write here But I did some guest posts and overall I think I did a pretty danged good job, if I do say so myself.

So, here you have it - all my words for the month - in one place, kinda' sorta'.

You may not be able to tell, but each post title is a link back to that specific post. In case you're interested, intrigued, or just want to see if I'm telling the truth. *wink*

11/29: Amazing Reads: Some of my favorite November posts

11/28: Shopping Deals: Black Friday and Beyond

11/27: 2014: Thanksgiving at our house

11/26: 6 Reasons I Am Thankful for Blogging (Posted over at SITS!)

11/25: None of my words sound right but I'm writing anyway

11/24: Looking for beautiful gift ideas? Shop Heart of Haiti and support a worthy cause.

11/23: Free Write: Thanksgiving is coming and we're staying home.

11/22: Navigate the Blogosphere: Let's Talk Facebook

11/21: Heavy Parenting Questions: Things They Can't Say (I guest posted at Things I Can't Say!)

11/21: I've got an eye on what you need to cozy up for the winter!

11/20: Our Favorite Thanksgiving Recipes and Crafts (Posted over at SITS!)

11/19: Some great holiday gift ideas for your kids!

11/17: Just before bed ...

11/16: Why I'm thankful for blogging (I guest posted at Housewife Plus!)

11/15: A Peek at my YouTube History

11/14: What I see in her eyes

11/13: Sssh. I'm not really here.

11/12: Grateful for friendships that pull you out of the darkness - or let you stay there if you need to.

11/11: A few words from me.

11/10: Water Wipes: An all natural baby wipe.

11/9: Top Ten Reasons I hate doing homework as a mom.

11/8: Free Writing: It's obvious I need to do this more.

11/7: Nighttime writing. I don't usually do it.

11/6:  My head is spinning. Such is life as a blogger.

11/5: One year gone by. It still hurts.

11/4: Crockpot Taco Chicken

11/3: Little bits of extremely important information about me.

11/2: Posting this month?

One of the best things about this experience is the small group I created that has stuck together through this month and plans to stick together as we continue writing and growing in our spaces. Because friendships and connections go beyond networking and schmoozing and whatnot. It's all real. We're real people. And our ability to be connected as we support one another and our words? It's phenomenal. I love it. And I hope it keeps on going forever and ever and ever.

I created this image some time ago - but I stand by my words and use it again. It's truth.

support, blogging, communities, amwriting, friendship


  1. YES to that last paragraph (or maybe it was the last 2?). :) Let's keep the group going and PS I am so glad to say that all your links registered as clicked on for me - except for crockpot taco. How did I miss that one!?

  2. Let's life one another up.

    Amen, sister. Amen.

    Thank you for always doing that. I so very much love our little group, and I'm excited it is going to continue. More than anything, that has been a blessing this NaBloPoMo.

  3. You did AMAZING this month.

    I just looked at my post total for November. 42. What the what??? No wonder I'm exhausted.

  4. Great job this month! Awesome! And thanks so much for getting our group together. It's been amazing and hope it continues!!

  5. Being part of NaBloPoMo is a wonderful accomplishment, Andrea! All your topics sound interesting -- I will have to try to read as many of them as I can!

  6. I'm over from the NCBlogger Facebook post. Awesome job! I love that quote. It is so inspiring. Girls can be so catty sometimes, and it is nice to see us all sticking together in the blogging world.

  7. That quote on the end is basically spot on! You did pretty good posting for most of the month!


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