
Monday, November 10, 2014

WaterWipes: An all natural baby wipe.

* This is a sponsored post. All expressed opinions and noted experience is strictly my own. * 

Back in September I was gearing up for a huge fundraising event for a local charity I am involved with. If you have been reading me for a while you'll remember that I'm talking about the StrollerThon for Postpartum Education and Support.

The morning of the event it was pouring. Raining beyond words.

As I grabbed my necessities for the day I realized that I was armed with something better than just what *I* needed. I had a stash of something that some of the moms might be needing!

I had samples of WaterWipes at my disposal.

I couldn't have picked a more perfect opportunity to pass out these samples to moms.

The first thing I did was leave a stash of the WaterWipes over at one of the tables.

I picked the food table, first and foremost, because we all know how messy little ones can be. These wipes are a good choice for kids of all ages, and grown-ups, too.

I'd already been using WaterWipes at home - and have found them to be a great alternative to napkins and/or paper towels - especially at the end of dinner time.

So I knew that with the snacks we had on-hand that these would be perfect as long as they were easy to find and easy to grab.

baby wipes, chemical-free, easy to use

The great thing about WaterWipes is that they're chemical-free and consist of 99.9% water and .1% of grapefruit seed extract. Finding natural baby wipes like these is not the norm these days.

This is especially important when it comes to keeping our babies their cleanest and freshest. At the event in September we were fortunate enough to have a changing table on loan available to moms with their little ones. I made sure that my extra WaterWipes were available at this location, as well. I was even able to rescue a mom whose husband had brought their baby along without the diaper bag! She was grateful for the stash of WaterWipes on-hand, and pleased to find out how safe they were for her son.

changing table, baby wipes, natural baby care

It's important to consider what we use on our children's skin. WaterWipes are known as a safe product for anyone with a skin condition that might normally flare in reaction to other products. WaterWipes have also been known to prevent diaper rash.

You can find out more about WaterWipes by checking them out on Facebook or Twitter - and looking at the WaterWipes website for store location information.

* This is a sponsored post. All expressed opinions and noted experience is strictly my own. * 


  1. What a GREAT idea!! I always have wipes in my car and my sports bag - and my kids are 8 and 14 - LOL!!

  2. Where were these when my sons were little?! Great idea!

  3. You had me at " 99.9% water and .1% of grapefruit seed extract". I don't have little ones any more but I still keep a travel pack of wipes in my purse and in all of our cars. I use them more than I would have thought. I'll be trying these for sure.

  4. I love so much that you had a changing area set up for the event. That is brilliant.

  5. With the recent recall on many baby wipes, it's so good to know there's safer alternatives out there!

  6. This is so smart for wiping down dirty baby hands since they are always putting them in their mouths.. I have to look for them!

  7. These sound SO much better than the alternative. I could see using them for lots of things!

  8. I always have wipes on hand and these sound like a great alternative to all the chemicals in other wipes.

  9. I love that they're brining it back to the basics! These sound like a must try.

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