
Saturday, January 24, 2015

A List of Important Self-Help Books

books, nonfiction, self-help, reading, #amreading

To say I've read a great amount of self-help books over the years would barely be scratching the surface.

A young woman in my 20s, living in Brooklyn, working in New York City, meeting new friends my own age and branching off into a career that wasn't quite what I was looking for?

Yes. I read a lot.

I'd even go as far as to say that some of these books are what set me on the path to switch careers - although it took me about a decade to get to that point - the notes I have (and yes, have kept) are the proof.

So I thought I'd share a handful of my favorite self-help books with you.

* There are Amazon links scattered throughout this post. If you decide to make a purchase I might make a few pennies - so I thank you in advance. *

Each has its own purpose.

My first and favorite read?

self-help, reading, amreading, recommendations, nonfiction

Barbara Sher quickly became a favorite of mine. This book led me down the path I needed to take to figure out what I really wanted to do and how to get myself there. So much so that I picked up another one of her books soon after finishing this one. 

Live The Life You Love - Barbara Sher

self-help, reading, books, recommendations, amreading

Another important read by Sher, Live the Life You Love was an easy book to follow. The journey towards finding what was most important to me and the correct ways to get there? All in this book. Granted, it's not a cure-all - no self-help book is - but it's a great start.

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Martha Beck is an incredible writer. If you've never read anything by her before, you must pick up a copy of Expecting Adam immediately. It's phenomenal. She's phenomenal. Finding Your Own North Star is the kind of read you need if you're looking for a change and just can't put your finger on it. 

The Pocket Therapist - Therese J. Borchard

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I love this book so much I try to read it once a year. I've reviewed it and explained why it's such an important book to me. I strongly recommend it. It really is a bit like having a therapist at your fingertips - in a really relaxed sort of way. 

The Joy Diet - Martha Beck

self-help, reading, amreading, books, recommendations

Yes, it's Martha Beck again. She's got another book I recommend if you're looking at slowing down your everyday pace. I have to admit that the first time I tried reading this I wound up laughing a lot. Because meditating for any period of time beyond a minute or two in the shower or before bed has always been practically impossible for me. And yet - the book stuck with me - and is worth a peek. 

So, what about you? Have any favorite self-help style reads? Share them with me in the comments! I'd love to hear what books have stuck with you over the years. 

I'm no stranger to book lists, but these days one of my lists that I wrote for SITS is kind of on fire. If you haven't read it yet, please do, you can find it here: 12 Good Books To Read in 2015.

My last list here was of some Amazing Books You Need to Read this Fall. I need to update it because I've got a few things to say about Lena Dunham's book ... I'll leave it at that for now. 

And lastly, check out Some of my All-Time Favorite Reads. 

And thank you. As always my readers and friends are my biggest supporters. And I love you for it! 


  1. I just ordered "Finding Your Own North Star." Thanks for the recommendation. Like you, I love to read. This is the stack I have planned for 2015:

  2. The first book in your post is exactly the kind of book I need right now. Going to purchase :) Thank you for the recommendation!

  3. I am also a huge Martha Beck fan. Her "Finding Your Way in a Wild New World" was...well...wild. I also love her memoirs, particularly Expecting Adam.

    I saw your list of reads for 2015, too - not sure I will read another Gillian Flynn after Gone Girl (although compelling, I wished I could un-read it after I finished it), but I agree with you that Lisa Genova is fantastic. I loved Still Alice, and Love Anthony was also really good.

    Wanted to suggest Kelly Corrigan's memoir, Glitter and Glue. It's a great read, and Kelly is doing a tour called "Glitter and Glue for Good" to release the paper back. She is visiting non-profits across the country to raise money for a variety of fabulous causes. We're hosting her here in PA:
    Would love it if you would help spread the word :)
    Thanks for the suggestions!


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