Thursday, January 8, 2015

Shop NOVICA and support artists across the globe.

shopping, giveaway, product, jewelry, home decor, artisan support, fashion

* This is a sponsored post on behalf of NOVICA. I am a long-time fan of both, their products and their mission and all expressed opinions are my own. *

If you've been a reader here for a while then you know I have been a fan of NOVICA for many years. I especially love when I'm given an opportunity to work with them AND introduce you to their beautiful products and mission. 

It's been a while since I've posted about them, but NOVICA has been hard at work updating their mission and finding a way to maintain their dedication to artisans across the globe AND add a focus of finding and supporting happiness.

NOVICA offers incredible products from amazing talents across the globe so when you make your purchase you're supporting designers in places like India, Africa, Central America and Asia (to name only a few!). These talents create things like jewelry, home decor, fashionable accessories and so much more.

One of my favorite purchases from NOVICA is this elephant ring.

ring, jewelry, shopping, presents, artisan support

I had something similar many years ago and it was lost by a friend (long story!) and so I decided I needed a new one. I've mentioned it before and discussed some of their really beautiful home decor, as well. I'm not sure what I'll buy for myself this time, but I've got my eye on a few things. Take a look ...

Jewelry - of course - like this cute and quirky pendant.

pendant, necklace, jewelry, shopping, presents, artisan support

Or this beautiful representation of peace and harmony.

pendant, necklace, jewelry, shopping, presents, artisan support, peace

NOVICA says that dragonflies are symbols of good luck.

ring, dragonfly, lucky, jewelry, shopping, presents, artisan support

This mirror and its surroundings represent 
so much more than my words could express. 

peace, mirror, home decor, children, shopping, presents, artisan support

The selection of accessories are beyond beautiful.

accessories, scarf, scarves, fashion, shopping, presents, artisan support

I could keep going but you really need to explore for yourself. (And take notes - I'm going to give you a quiz later!)

And where do YOU come in? You're the key to keeping their efforts moving forward.

Your purchases support artisans who otherwise wouldn't have the finances otherwise. Your purchases don't come from just any old store - you actually learn about the creator of what you buy - you learn where they're from, what their goals are, how they learned to do what they do.

NOVICA has also joined forces with and continues to work towards supporting artists as they support their families. Basically you couldn't ask for a better organization to shop with. Please - consider making your next gift purchase with NOVICA. You won't be sorry.

And to help you out with that NOVICA has provided me with a $50 gift card for one of my readers. I'm so excited to have this opportunity. I'm thrilled to introduce you to them, or remind you to head back over to find some of their beautiful new inventory!

Just hit the Rafflecopter widget below and enter in whatever ways you're comfortable with for your chance to win.

And happy shopping!

* Disclaimer reminder: This is a sponsored post on behalf of NOVICA. I am a long-time fan of both, their products and their mission and all expressed opinions are my own. *


  1. I love these butterfly earrings

    and these owl earrings

    but really everything is so cute, it is hard to pick!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love this shawl!

    Hard to choose just one thing, they have so many wonderful items!

  4. I love anything with a dragonfly--I even have a tattoo of one. :)

  5. This ring.

    So pretty!

  6. My boys are REALLY into chess this year. THey even joined the chess club at school. I would love to get them this!$25-to-$50/wood-chess-set-love-of-the-game/200960/

  7. So hard to choose! I really like this one, though:

  8. What a nice company that works for a good cause and has such a lovely selection of gifts to buy! I especially liked the glass mosaic photo frame
    as I have many photos of my grandchildren I like to display artfully.

  9. I love this necklace!!

  10. Love the handbags and love the jewelry! But especially love supporting artisans.

  11. Of course I like the expensive stuff. I'm a huge dragonfly fan, have several tattooed on myself, and I just adore this necklace :

  12. I adore the cat necklace. That is SO CuTE. LOVE it.

  13. I'd love one of everything you listed. I found this ring that has a peridot stone (which happens to be my son's birthstone, and I'm obsessed.)

    LOVE everything!

  14. Lovely! I love all these things. Thanks for the giveaway and teaching us about this organization.

  15. The Origami Necklaces are really unique but there are so many nice things.

  16. I love these earrings!

  17. This plate is beautiful!


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