
Monday, February 9, 2015

Book of the Week: What is Found, What is Lost, Anne Leigh Parrish

book, reading, review, #amreading, fiction, novel

* I received a copy of this book from the publisher to facilitate my review. I was not compensated in any way for this post and all opinions are my own. *

What is Found, What is Lost is a powerful story of several women.

We start off meeting Freddie, who I feel drawn to. Honestly, if I followed Freddie straight through the entire book I'd have been content. But Freddie led us as readers to Anna and Lorraine. She introduced us to her daughter, Beth, as well. And her sister, Holly.

So many women. So many things happening.

We start in 2012. We head back to the 1970s. Then back again to the 1920s.

Freddie walks us through losing her husband - and what I love about this is that she still talks to him - AND hears him answer her. He's in her heart and her head. He sounds like a stickler. And an interesting guy. And I like how she handles him now that he's gone. Though their relationship surely had its issues, she seems to be managing things well these days and maintaining it after his death.

Maybe that's a personal thing for me, but I really like how Parrish has written that. How she's implemented the thoughts of a character into the story and let us feel like we're taking this journey with Freddie. And we've got the inside scoop because we actually hear (see?) her discussions with Ken. It's not there throughout the entire book, as we shift to Anna and Olaf - Freddie's grandparents - and their early years. We connect the dots and watch as their daughter Lorraine - Freddie's mother - leaves home to chase G-d.

Although many of the reviews will stress the religious aspects of this story, I did not find them to be overbearing or too intense. That might not be something that draws you to the book, but for me, I found that it kept me reading.

Lorraine found G-d. Or she felt she did. Or she got sucked into a world that led to her thinking she did? Or so much more. I'll leave that to you to determine. Her parents watched her go, barely knowing whether to hold on or not. Whether to try to get her back, or not. Ultimately, it's no surprise to say that they did not.

And yet the connections remained.

Freddie's journey through her past and the past of her ancestors is an intriguing one. You can probably guess that I preferred the content of her own situations and actions to anything else, because she was my favorite. I think she's meant to be, and that's why we meet her first. She's meant to pull us in - try to connect us with her past and the reasons her life is the way it is - why SHE is the way she is.

And if you know my style for reviewing books, you know I'm going to leave it at that. If you want to find out more you have to grab a copy of the book for yourself!

Buy a copy of What is Found, What is Lost today.

Oh! And if you're looking to find out more about Ms. Parrish and her books, check out my review of Our Love Could Light The World. I  can honestly say that as much as I liked this book, I *might* just like that one even more.

* I received a copy of this book to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed are completely my own. There are affiliate links in this post and if you buy the book I'll make a few pennies towards my next book purchase! * 


  1. I haven't had time to read much lately, but I might have to put that in my books to read list.

  2. Love your review! I will be adding this to my "To Read" list for sure!

  3. If I can get away from my pc, then I love to read. Thanks for the review.

  4. I am definitely adding to my Goodreads and hope to get to read soon after reading your review!! :)


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