
Friday, February 6, 2015

Recipe Round-Up: Crockpot Creations

crockpot, recipes, dinner, soup, chili, stew, gumbo, pork, slow cooker

If you've been keeping an eye on me these past few weeks you'll see I'm having fun gathering recipes that interest me.

I started with soups. Moved along to comfort foods. And now I'm talking about the crockpot and the amazing creations you can come up with when you're cooking with yours!

So, let's see all of the amazing meals you can cook in yours!

Soups, Stews and Chilis

Slow Cooker Chili - My Scraps

slow cooker, crockpot, chili, dinner

vegetarian, chili, slow cooker, crockpot, flavorful

Crockpot Chicken Soup - My Book Retreat

chicken soup, crockpot, soup, dinner, warm, veggies

Peasant Stew - Hines-Sight Blog

stew, chicken, crockpot, dinner, slow cooker,


Slow Cooker Gluten Free Gumbo - Mille Fiori Favoriti

gluten-free, gumbo, slow cooker, crockpot, dinner


Carolina Pork Barbecue - A Parenting Production

bbq, pork, crockpot, southern cookin', barbecue, carolina

Ranch Pork Chops - This Simple Home

pork, pork chops, ranch, slow cooker, dinner, crockpot

Shredded Pork - Our Family Inspired Home

pork, shredded, dinner, crockpot, slow cooker

Pulled Pork - In The Kitchen With Jenny

pork, pulled pork, southern cookin', recipe, crockpot, slow cooker


Crockpot Taco Chicken - Good Girl Gone Redneck

taco chicken, beans, chicken, slow cooker, crockpot,

Crockpot Beef Enchiladas - A Vision To Remember

beef, enchiladas, taco, seasoned, crockpot, slow cooker

Honestly, this is just a small batch of recipes my friends have shared with me. I've surely got enough content for another handful of posts with crockpot / slow cooker recipes alone to create an entire series. I hope you'll keep an eye on the site and stay tuned for more.

Let me know if you try any of these recipes out for your family and what you think.

Also, if you have a recipe on your website that is a fan-fave? Share it in the comments. Maybe I'll feature you sometime soon in an upcoming Recipe Round-Up!

* There are product links scattered throughout this post. If you click on them and go shopping I'll make a few pennies - so I thank you in advance! *


  1. I love my crockpot! I just made creamy chicken and noodles in it the other night, and will probably use it to make a batch of taco chicken soon.

  2. The soups looked great and then you hit the meat...Lordy. That looks so good.


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