
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Do you hear what I say?


It's the weekend and it's been a while since I've done some free writing for the blog, so I decided that today I'll be linking up with my girl Jaime of Love, Jaime.

So - here goes: 


We just ate leftover Papa John's for lunch. 

The child has been on the computer pretty much all day. 

Yesterday we did a 5K and after that we were both exhausted. That gave me the right to order Papa John's for dinner AND for us to have the leftovers today. Possibly tomorrow, too. 

But I did put a crockpot filled with veggies and veggie broth up at around noon in an attempt to make some sort of vegetable soup. We'll see how that turns out. 

I added beans, as I have this dream of making a veggie kale soup - only I have no kale in the house right now and no way to get some. So I may toss in some spinach towards the end of cooking. Because I'm all about the greens ... bout the greens ... *you see where that's headed, right?


My dog is whining. Just one of them. He cries a lot these days. She does, too, but not as much as he does. He's getting older. It's breaking my heart - mostly because I know that the day will come eventually and I don't know how we'll be able to handle it. And I hate the thought of losing our baby. It's been hard enough to lose our feline fun-babies over the years. And this? This is unthinkable. 

Even when I yell at him. 

Which I'm doing more of lately, in that I have to raise my voice, because I think he's losing his hearing a bit. Which is not fun. Poor guy. 


And I just had to tell my kid not to drink all of the "chocolate soda" we brought home from the 5K. See, it was a chocolate run, which was great and fun and we got Ghiardelli chocolates to bring home. And this stupid soda that tastes like Yoo Hoo - seriously - tastes like canned chocolate milk that isn't milk. You know the taste, right? Yoo Hoo brings me back ----- WAYYYY BACK. 


This should be my five minute mark. I should be done. 

I'm almost done. I'm giving myself an extra minute because of the pause. 

Or something. 

I think I really just didn't have that much to say today - so this five minutes was perfection when it came to getting my butt in gear and my fingers typing.

I'm trying to do 3-4 posts/weekly to maintain motivation. I have a book review going live on Monday and I'm reading a LOT and my new Recipe Round-Up series has been kind of fun, too.  

So, there you have it. That's that. That's all the news that I'm fit to write. 

And on that note, at 2:46pm, my old man doggie is whining and crying again. 


I toldja. 


  1. My mom's dog is getting older. I remember the last couple of months with her other dog, Oliver. It was heartbreaking. These fur babies have a way of wiggling their way into our hearts and it's so hard to see them in any sort of discomfort.

    I hope you'll blog about this Chocolate 5k. We had a Hot Chocolate 10k a few weeks ago that I did NOT do. I ran it a couple of times over the years and I just couldn't find it in me to do it this year.

    They never sent us home with chocolate, though. Only a cup of hot chocolate. #lame

  2. Yeah, I can not post that much a week but so glad you are going for it! And can't wait to see what you have coming up! Always fun!

  3. I'm so sad I missed that Chocolate Run but I had another commitment on Saturday. Of course, I guess it's good I don't have all those chocolate goodies in my house now!

  4. I'm sorry, I know you talked about a lot of things, but... YOU RAN A 5K??? I am in awe. That's kind of awesome. Mind you, I have no desire of doing it because I despise running, but it's still an awesome accomplishment! Way to go, girl. WOW. Just awesome.

  5. congrats on the 5K! and mmmmm Papa Johns!!!

  6. A chocolate run? Oh my, that sounds like so much fun. I may have to drive down and join you for that next year. I like leftover pizza better than fresh pizza, so I totally get that. I'm not reading nearly enough. You're inspiring though, so thank you. Hope you're having a good week!


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