
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Across My Internet: Bits and Pieces

community, emotions, motherhood, parenting, real life

I'm all over the place with the things I've been trying to write. As you'll notice, it's been a while since I've published anything. Unless you count this post over at SITS entitled: 8 Places To Submit Your Writing. That's by me. But otherwise I've been stuck. It happens. It's a weird place to be, though. And sometimes when I'm there I find amazing things to read. But even those get slow now and then.

So I'm all over the place with the reading, too. And the opening of the things I want to read, and all that's out there, leaving tabs scattered open across my screen. And I know that people say don't link your readers out to other sites, they'll leave yours and not come back! Oh no!! But that's never been my style - never been my fear - I know you guys will stick with me when you're in the mood to and if something appeals to you you'll read it, share, come back, whatever works.

So, here's what's happening on my internet this week (and last week - as I'm really slow with the motivation these days).

If you know me you've read many a post about my struggle to get fit. Or feel fit. Or find fitness. It's really rough being a mom of a girl and finding my way to feel good about myself while ensuring she recognizes her own strength, beauty and brilliance. But when it comes to body image - it's even harder. My friend Deborah wrote a beautiful and heartbreaking post about listening to little girls at ballet class talk about why they're fat. And it just about crushed me. All Little Girls Think They're Fat is a must read, especially if you're a parent of a little girl. Or a big girl. It doesn't matter the age of the girl - what matters is that she knows she's beautiful. Because she IS. Help her see that. Please.

Another thing I'm passionate about is the end of the mommy wars. I don't even want them CALLED that anymore. Seriously. Enough, right?

And I'm in an amazing moms' group on FB where these battles are non-existent. Seriously. That sort of place is real. I know, right? More on that shortly... So someone in the group shared this beautiful post today. It was on Huffington Post, but I traced it back to the original article, which is from Finding Joy - Rachel Martin's website. And the post is titled: Why we need to stop asking, "how do you do it all?" - and it's perfect.

Rachel's site is a beautiful one. With amazing Dear Mom letters. In fact, I'd read tons of them before I even knew who she was. I had a chance to meet her recently at one of her BloggingConcentrated events that was here in Raleigh, hosted by NC Blogger Network, an organization I'm proud to be part of (if you want to learn more about it read my post: NCBN. And though we didn't really get to speak much, she was sweet, honest and she knows her stuff. So I'm happy to refer y'all to read this post. Especially since many of you need to see it.

Now, back to that moms' group I love so much. It's Mama's Comfort Camp. Have you heard of it? You have to request to join, but if you do you'll be glad you did. It's a place of no judgment and no hatred. No jealousy or angst. It's a place where I can post things like I did this morning, saying I just felt like I needed to cry and there weren't defining reasons why - I just NEEDED to. And I already have an amazing handful of fellow moms relating and supporting and hugging me. I'm honored to be a part of this group - that just celebrated it's third anniversary. I'm thrilled to be a volunteer who ensures that all moms feel supported and accepted in there. Because that's how things should be.

I should probably have so much more to share this morning - or afternoon - but because I'm a little bit drained and finally DID have that cry I needed I'm going to quit where I'm at.

And I'm going to link up today with Shell's Pour Your Heart Out. Because ultimately this post wound up being more about me and how I feel about the things I'm sharing a little more or just as much as it is about the things I think you should read and know about. Does that make sense? Hope so. And if you're writing anything similar to what I'm writing? Head there and link up. Or just read. Because she's always got good things to say and share, too. And this week is no exception. Promise.

So - what have you been reading or writing about? Leave me some links so I can find you, follow you, and talk to you, too.


  1. I haven't been able to write about myself in AGES! Because...too much. So, I've been concentrating on fiction. Because..not real.
    Also..sometimes a good cry is what is absolutely necessary!!!!!

  2. THank you so much for including my post in this round up. You are amazing. ALl the good karma you put in the world will come back to you,

  3. Ironically, I posted something similar today, a round up, because I was inspired after commenting on your thread the other day.

    I so feel you. We have more in common than I think either of us really have noticed yet. Sending you all of the love, my dear. And I'll be sure to click through and spread some love around :)

  4. I get that way so often. Will check out the links- and thanks for your kind words about PYHO!

  5. I love this post. It sounds like what's in my head. The motivation is sometimes lacking but you know what? That's okay. It'll come back!


  6. Oh, my sweet friend! I hear you.
    On ALL fronts.

    I'm glad you had a good seems so frowned upon, but I can say from experience that a god UGLY cry once in awhile is cleansing. :)

  7. Sometimes you really do just need a good cry. Going to check out some of these posts.

  8. I have so many posts I've been reading this week (I'm catching up on posts in my reader from last week!)

    I'm working on a post about being busy. Always busy. And how I hate that word.

    First I have to find time to finish the post. ;)


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