
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Book of the week: The Boy Who Loved Rain, Gerard Kelly

reading, books, fiction, amreading, review, literature

* I received a copy of this book from TLC Book Tours. I was not compensated for this review. All expressed opinions are completely my own. *

The Boy Who Loved Rain opened up with our boy.

There was a prologue, but I'll be honest, I kind of ignored it - for some reason it seemed out of place - it was in a different voice than the story that started soon after, so I simply forgot what I'd read.

I didn't connect any dots for a long while - honestly.

But we open up with our boy. Our boy from the title.


Colom is dreaming and he's taking us with him. Although when we meet him he's awake.

But his dream is something he can't let go of.

And we don't know why.

But the thing is - neither does he. Nobody does. He shares his dream with his parents and they're unable to help him. Colom is a frustrated child. Teenager. But still, in so many ways, just a child.

Fiona is his mother.

And, as most mothers are inclined to do, she wants to protect her son. So much.

Colom struggles with communication. Struggles with interactions. With his parents. His peers.

Fiona's husband - Colom's father David - he struggles beyond detail with his son. He battles his wife and refuses to get the family help. He's a pastor at the local church and doesn't want his family's truths revealed.

Ultimately Fiona is the one who takes action. She's worried for her boy.

An acquaintance of Colom's from school is found dead. He's killed himself. Normally I wouldn't give this away, but it spurs mom into action. She needs to protect her son.

Her actions are understandable. As a mother myself, I know I'd do whatever it took to save my child. I can't IMAGINE the teenage years. My daughter is only eight. But I know I would never want to experience the fear that Fiona did as she learned more details about her son's life.

She takes steps to remove him from the environment he's in. To protect him. To keep him safe. Unharmed. But there's only so much she can do.

She finds help. Support. Love. And more.

But eventually there are questions. Concerns. More dreams. Thoughts revealed.

More questions.

And we need answers. So many answers.

This story unfolds, the answers are revealed and then we are led towards an understanding we didn't expect.

The Boy Who Loved Rain was an unexpected tale of family strength and a mother's love for her child. It was one that I truly enjoyed. If you'd like to enter to win a copy all you have to do is let me know what book you're reading now in the comments below. Or you can buy a copy for yourself on Amazon today.

reading, books, fiction, amreading, review, literature

* I received a copy of this book from TLC Book Tours. I was not compensated for this review. All expressed opinions are completely my own. There are affiliate links in this post. *


  1. I'm reading I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai. It's powerful!

  2. A mother's love is surely a force to be reckoned with!

    Thanks for being a part of the tour.

  3. Oh this sounds so haunting and powerful. As a mom of 3 boys and the oldest a teen, I don't want to think that my kid isn't really as happy as he portrays. While this character sounds more introverted and difficult to get through to, it sounds like something many parents need to do, to find a way to get through to their teens and really try to understand them. Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. Well I didn't read the directions to enter the giveaway so I am reading Shadow of the Wind and starting an Uncomplicated Life. :)


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