
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Navigate the Blogosphere: Type-A Parent Conference

* I am an official blog partner of the Type-A Parent Conference. There are affiliate links in this post that direct you to purchase your tickets to the conference. Should you be so inclined as to use my links you'll help me earn a few dollars towards my Starbucks and book buying habits. Thanks! *

If you have been reading me for a while you already know why I'm a fan of blog conferences. I go for the people - probably the people more than anything - and each year I've connected with people beyond my expectations.

I've made incredible friends. People I now call my own.

And every time I've gone back I've thought to myself - well - I couldn't possibly meet someone new who would "get" me the way that I'd want to be understood. Who would want to be a great friend. And every year? Regardless of what I learn when I'm there? Every year? I do.

The amazing thing about the people at blog conferences is that they truly DO get you.

They get that you write for you.

They get that you write for businesses and brands and you'd love to make some money off of what you're doing. And that even if you don't blog for money and don't think about that now? That some day, in the distant or not-so-distant future? You might.

They get that you love Instagram and why you post a selfie every single day (oh, wait, that's just me). And why you talk about the most random things on your Facebook page because you want to connect with people who might read your blog and decide that they, too, love what you love! And so you must be besties - or something like that.

They get that you're a social worker - or you used to be - and you might even magically find yourself connected to not one, but TWO people who have been in or are in that same field. And that happens and you're like, aha. THAT's it. No wonder I immediately clicked with you.

And in case you didn't realize this from the image at the top of this post, I'm talking specifically about Type-A Parent Conference here. It's where I met the people I now call friends. It's where I made soul sisters over the years. People I have randomly roomed with who sat and talked to me for hours about anything and everything. People who sat down at my table during a session and I found myself clicking with. People I passed walking through the hotel halls and decided I'd rather sit down and chat than rush off to the next session I'd looked into earlier.

Because one of the best things about the conference (besides the people) is the laid back feel. You never feel like you must rush from one place to another. You never feel like you're going to be slammed for doing or not doing something. Kelby Carr - Type-A founder - she makes sure that the environment is real.

I've been to the annual Type-A conference since 2011. This year I most likely won't be there in Atlanta in October (personal timing thing), but I cannot wait to head to NYC for the one day event in August. Seriously cannot wait. I'm a big fan of the 1-day/bootcamp type of event. I went to the one in Walt Disney World last March and had the best time. I learned. I grew. I engaged. At the event and at the parks, of course, because always connecting with my people, right?

So now that you're itching to attend and really excited? I've got a coupon code for you to save 20% on your registration for this event. All you have to do is click one of the images below and type in PARTNERSPECIAL to save. As the events get closer the coupon codes will be fewer and farther between. Or something like that. So take advantage today!

In summary - if you're looking for your very first blogging conference I suggest you check out Type-A Parent 7th Annual Conference (Atlanta, October 8-10, 2015). Type-A was my first conference and I'm glad it was. It was not overwhelming, it was not terrifying, it was fun, interesting, engaging and more. 

If you're looking for ways to grow your blog, ways to engage with people and brands and enhance your blogging experience? I definitely recommend Type-A Parent New York City Bootcamp. The focus is going to be brand and blogger relations. Not that you won't get some of that in Atlanta, because you will, but you'll get more of a focused agenda. More speakers talking directly about what you need and want to learn. 

But whichever one you attend you'll find your people. Or you'll bring your people with you and grow together. Or both. Because there are no nobodies at Type-A. You're going to rock it and be so glad you went. I promise.

Oh! I almost forgot - if you're interested in becoming an affiliate for this event, please shoot me an email or comment here with yours so I can send you an invite to become one. Thanks. 


  1. Sounds like such fun. I need to get to a blog or book conference like STAT!

  2. I think it would be fun to go to a blog conference but they are always so dang expensive and so far from where I live.


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