
Friday, May 8, 2015

How You Can Help: Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive - Saturday, May 9

Every year on the second Saturday in May our mail carriers go above and beyond for us. They help us get our donations to our local food banks for the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive.

This event is held nation-wide and is coordinated by the National Association of Letter Carriers. 

As a volunteer for my local food bank in North Carolina, I could not be more grateful for this assistance and event, because we all know that when someone helps make it easier for us to contribute we'll find ourselves more likely to do so. Knowing that the USPS will be coming by on Saturday no matter what guarantees that my items will make their way to help those in need!

All you need to do is grab a bag, fill it up with some items you would like to donate, and leave it outside by your mailbox on Saturday morning.

It could not be any simpler!

The Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina has a list of items that they need, and in sharing this with you today I can guarantee that your local food bank would love these same items. Non-perishables that are in cans, boxes, bags (no glass - please!) are accepted with a huge thanks.

Some food items you might want to consider bagging up for this donation are:

peanut butter
canned soups/fruit/veggies
granola or protein bars
kid-friendly snacks

Other edible donations you might consider are more specific. Consider families with allergies, religious observances and/or dietary restrictions. If at all possible ensuring that one of your items is gluten-free, low sugar, or Kosher would also be a tremendous help for the families reliant on the food bank to ensure that there is food on their tables and in their bellies.

Local food banks also accept toiletries and household products. Toothpaste, mouthwash, sanitary products, paper towels, household wipes - these are among the many items needed by those who visit the food banks regularly.

And if you have infants at home who have outgrown their formula, diapers, wipes, or baby food - please consider contributing those, as well. Families with young children can truly use that support.

For more ideas of what to contribute - this Saturday or ANY day - see this graphic from the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC.

Please be sure that the items you are donating are not expired. I know that seems like a given, but expired items simply take up time while sorting and need to get tossed. If you wouldn't serve it to your family don't donate it to someone else's.

If you're interested in supporting your local food bank on a regular basis, I can pretty much guarantee that they'll accept that support. Whether assisting them in getting the word out about their events or immediate needs, whether you decide to coordinate your own mini-food drive at your office, school, or any other organization you're a part of - donations are essential to ensure that the food bank in your area can support families in need every single day.

Without contributions people will go hungry.

If you're unable to gather up some food and leave it out this weekend - you can take a few minutes to support your local food bank by making a monetary donation online.

The Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina accepts donations online to help maintain their organization and continue to offer support to those in need. You can research your local food bank and donate, as well.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I'd truly appreciate if you'd consider sharing to ensure that your friends and family can get the heads up and leave some items out tomorrow. The more we share the more people will know and the more people will receive help.

Thanks in advance for your assistance on spreading the word.

The families in your community will be truly grateful.

For more information you can watch this quick video below:

* I am a volunteer for the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC. I do not get paid for posting this nor do I receive any compensation. I decided to write this post on my own because I truly believe in this cause. If you would like to volunteer for the Food Bank of CENC feel free to review their volunteer opportunities. Any and all questions can be directed to me via email. *


  1. My mom was talking about donating food and this reminds me that I need to do so as well.
    Thank you!

  2. This is been on my mind for a while. Let me see what's in my area!

  3. This is one cause we donate to every single year! I love that you shared this reminder. It's so easy!
    We always get the little postcard in the mail from USPS, and we always look forward to seeing what we can fit in our mailbox. Since we have a community box, it can be tricky. But you can always leave a little note in the box and your mail carrier will pick your donation up at the door! =0)

  4. I was a mail carrier for many years and I was always surprised at how so few people would get involved in the program. It's an easy way to do a lot of good.

  5. Just noticed the postcard in my stack of mail. I donate every year this way, as well as when my kids schools have drives. I would love to be able to volunteer at our local food bank, but it's just not in the cards right now. Hopefully someday!

  6. Good luck on your food drive tomorrow and thank you for reminding me about it for our local drive.


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