
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Under The Same Blue Sky, Pamela Schoenewaldt ~ book review

reading, review, fiction, goodreads, books, amreading, historical fiction

I received a copy of this book to facilitate my review. All opinions are completely my own.

Under the Same Blue Sky is a different sort of read than you expect when you start the book.

At least it was for me.

I expected historical fiction. I wasn't disappointed in that respect, as I did find myself set back in time about 100 years.

But I found myself so intrigued by the character of Hazel, almost more than I was with the setting and the entire story. Not that any of that failed me, but Hazel - Hazel was a mystical sort.

I will admit that it took me a little bit of time to get fully into this story. I sometimes find historical fiction difficult to follow. It started with quick engagement. I was drawn in - but lost my way for a bit as I moved through pages and chapters. No worries, though, I found it again.

You'll see that this is a different kind of book than I normally read - yet something drew me to it. It's at this point that I wish I were the kind of reviewer who would include a copy of the book's description, which I rarely do - so you can see what led to my requesting to participate in this tour.

I'll give you a small taste of the back cover:

* Filled with rich historical details and intriguing, fully realized characters, Under the Same Blue Sky is the captivating story of one woman's emergence into adulthood amid the tumult of war. *

See? See why I was drawn to Hazel right away?

Hazel is a dreamer with an indescribable gift.

A young girl who dreams of a life beyond what she experiences.

A young girl who becomes known as a healer.

The introduction to Hazel and her parents strikes me in a personal way, as my own father came to this country from overseas, in a time of angst and turmoil. Though not in 1914, when this story was set, but many years later - at another time of discomfort for so many.

Perhaps it's the German history in the book that drew me to it, as well. My father was born in Germany and his parents lived there in a world with similar aspects to those that Schoenewaldt describes.

Either way, I'm glad I took a chance on a new author and a new genre and I think that if you enjoy a mesh of history and creative fiction, along with a dash of the mystical - Under the Same Blue Sky might be the perfect read for you.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from TLC Book Tours to facilitate my review. All opinions are completely my own.

1 comment:

  1. Hazel is what draws me to this story - I want to learn more about her!

    Thanks for being a part of the tour.


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