
Friday, June 12, 2015

Across My Internet: What To Read

I'm writing a post with another book list as I type this.

It's an addiction.

The books. The reading. The lists.

But I also LOVE reading lists of what other people are reading.

Did you follow that?

books, reading, recommendations, fiction, nonfiction, lists, kid-friendly, beach reads

One of my favorite book bloggers is Andrea over at Great Thoughts. Andrea has a list of The Best Beach Reads and even pairs them with her idea of a perfectly matched beverage to go with the book. Her entire blog is filled with some incredible reading recommendations so you'll want to stick around while you're there.

I'm a big fan of beach reads. I have my own list brewing right now, as well. Stay tuned!

Just this morning I came across this list of recommendations over at MyBrownBaby: Great Summer Books for Black Girls. I have a copy of Brown Girl Dreaming waiting for me to dive into. I bought a hard copy because it's going to be a book I want to keep and have my daughter read someday. I'm also really curious about Misty Copeland's book, Life In Motion, because I find her fascinating. She moves in ways I wouldn't think were real unless I had seen them for myself.

The LA Times has a great list of 23 Books You'll Want To Read (and share!) This Summer.  And Judy Blume's new book is on the list. I definitely need to get my hands on a copy of that one.

My friend Julie over at My Book Retreat has a great list of summer reading recommendations, as well. She also has a fantastic new series of book club suggestions that you'll want to sign up for. It's really great. Disclaimer: Julie and I have been friends for years - long before blogging was a blip on anyone's radar. I love her blog because she's a great writer and book reviewer. You'll love her, too.

And while I'm recommending friends who are book bloggers, I also encourage you to stop on by Moms Small Victories to meet Tanya. Tanya has some great recommendations for you, too. I looked through her recent posts and don't see a list up there, but I still want to share her with you, so go on by!

And in case you missed it, I shared a list of ten great bloggers who have written books over at SITS recently. They're bloggers just like us! And they're published! Pretty amazing, right? And if you haven't yet seen my gone-viral post of 12 books you need to read this year, you're going to want to check that one out, as well.

And of course, I'm going to tell you that you must check out my summer reading recs for this year. Because I Know What You'll Be Reading This Summer. Honest. I do. It's a list made up of new releases and pre-orders that you have to keep an eye out for. And lastly, my list of Five Books You Should Be Reading Right Now includes some of my favorite books from this past year. You have to check it out. I won't steer you wrong.

* There are a few affiliate links in this post. They're only on book titles in case you want to run over and grab your copies immediately. And I won't make much, but just enough to buy half of a new book if you use them to shop. *

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