
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Book of the Week: BabyFat, Pauline Campos

Let me start by saying that I'm no stranger to stories about motherhood, by moms who have been through it all. The proverbial ringer. And yes, let me offer a disclaimer that the lovely and talented Pauline Campos and I are friends. Friends who have never met, but friends just the same. Social media and the blogosphere are kind of amazing that way.

So. Where was I? Telling you about my friend - right? Anyway, when the opportunity came for me to be one of her advanced readers and book reviewers - I kinda' jumped at it. And yes, when you're friends with someone it's a tricky step to take.

What if you don't like their work? What if you're a little iffy on the content or the tone? What if ... what if ... what if?

I felt pretty confident that Pauline's work wouldn't be an issue. I had a strong feeling I'd enjoy it. And knew if I had any problems with any of it that I could tell her. She's just like that.

And so, I dove in. And read. And read some more. And suddenly I was finished reading.

BabyFat is the kind of read you really do dive into.

It's not just because I know her that I felt like I was in Pauline's head. You really ARE in her head when you go through this book. Her words, her emotions, the things that make you say HELL, YES! ...? All those things are there. You feel where she's coming from - where she's at - and you know it, too. You can relate. At least I could.

Her tone and experiences combined give you a relatable story that you don't need to turn away from. You never roll your eyes. You never sigh with disdain. You pretty much say ME, TOO! over and over again. Even if you don't relate to the letter - you get it. You're a woman who has experienced issues with her body. Shoot, haven't we all? You don't have to be a mom to get this. You don't have to be a mom to relate. Just because her shared journey primarily takes place after her daughter is born - I'm going to tell you - yes, YOU! - you'll get it, too.

Because who among us hasn't said to ourselves that we're going to start tomorrow? Tomorrow we'll throw out the chips and the cookies, and hell, even the bread? All of it! Trashed! Tomorrow!

Tomorrow - or fine - honestly? Monday. It's always Monday for me.

Tomorrow. Monday. Whenever? We'll start. We'll go to the gym every day. We'll work out regularly. Take walks in our neighborhood. Eat veggies with every meal. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.

And tomorrow rarely comes. (Disclaimer, my tomorrow has finally come. I still freaking loved this book. Because I get it. I know. You do, too.)

The way we beat ourselves up over that lost tomorrow? Pauline relates. She shares it. She shows us the way. She talks to us like she'd talk to a friend, and we like it.

In case you can't already tell, Campos is an artist, beyond the written word, and the images she has created to go with her chapter intros are beautiful.  They're also really fun. I'm lucky to be able to share a few of them with you throughout this review.

Now - for the best part!! And yes, I know, after all this there's a better part? Yep.

I've got digital copies to give away to two of my readers. So check out the Rafflecopter form below and enter. It's really easy to do, promise. I'm not going to make you jump through hoops or anything. You do the super easy parts to officially enter and if you want to do more go for it and choose your entries. Easy peasy.

Or you could avoid the wait and head over to Amazon immediately to buy your very own copy. It's definitely affordable and worth it, promise. You know I don't steer you wrong when it comes to great reads, right?

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks so much for stopping by. I'm thrilled to share this book with you. I hope you'll enjoy it and give my girl Pauline some huge love when you do.

** I received a copy of this book to facilitate my review. All expressed opinions are completely my own. The author is providing two copies of this book for me to give to my readers. Affiliate links are scattered throughout this post. I will receive a few cents if you buy through my links. Enough to buy about half a book - possibly. Thanks for the love and support!


  1. This book sounds right up my alley. I need to know that other people struggle with eating healthy too. Exercise is easy for me, the hard part is not eating pizza every night. :)

  2. Thank you so much for this post, Andrea. Your words mean the world.

  3. Such an awesome review! Great job!

    ~Lisa Nolan

  4. Oh my stars! This books sounds hilarious! I loved all the little snippets. My sister is about to become a mom of three and is stressed. I hope I win this book for her!

  5. Oh my gosh this book sounds like something I'd love!

  6. Sounds like a great read. Are you at Type A? All the fun pics in my Instagram feed are making me wish I was there.

  7. I don't think I've read a book about motherhood yet. I'm excited about reading this one. My body image hero is Mindy Kaling, but I haven't read any of her books yet. #sitsblogging

  8. If you like that book, you'll love Fat Sex by Rebecca Weiner. I will be writing a review soon!

  9. I think right now my favourite book about ANYTHING is Daring Greatly by Brené Brown.


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