
Friday, October 23, 2015

Finding Fitness Fridays: Life After Whole30

eating, fitness, clean eating, motivation, healthy living, eat clean, eat green, sugar-free, gluten-free

You guys, I haven't been feeling it this week. I'm not sure exactly why, but I just haven't. And I know I have not done a Finding Fitness Friday post for a few weeks - so - yeah - so much for that series I was hoping to kickstart, right?

Anyway, if you've come to visit me this week you've already seen my Whole30 experience post. And if you haven't, go on, I'll wait. I've dropped a link right there for you to check out.

I've been doing well. Still mostly eating "Whole30-style" in that I haven't introduced any of the food groups that I removed back on September 1st. I am, however, being a little bit less intense when it comes to ingredients. For example, I've started using a coconut creamer that has some cane sugar in it. Yeah - I know - probably the last thing I should be starting with, but I'm trying to be more flexible when it comes to the additions. Another example is that I went out to eat last weekend and had an incredible salad for dinner. I dropped the feta because it was too soon to add dairy back, but I did use the vinaigrette dressing - and didn't concern myself with what was in it.

I mean - look at it - does it look like it's missing anything? No. Cause it looks amazing. Right?

eating, fitness, clean eating, motivation, healthy living, eat clean, eat green, sugar-free, gluten-free

So - flexibility - that's my new middle name.

I've been taking my walks just about daily. Not every day. I hit a wall this week. I'm not sure what happened, but I just kind of exhausted myself in a way that I couldn't get past. Maybe it was emotional? Maybe the anniversary of my dad's passing hit me hard enough to linger? Probably a bit of both - or are they even different things? *shakes head* There you go. That's me. Confused.

I'm still working on making extremely colorful meals all on my own. Working to make sure that vegetables are front and center. As are proteins and yummy fats. Avoiding carbs or working at low-carb meals like this one.

eating, fitness, clean eating, motivation, healthy living, eat clean, eat green, sugar-free, gluten-free

Orange tomatoes, spinach, avocado and chicken and apple sausages. Completely delicious. This was dinner one night. And it pretty much rocked. I took some time off from the chicken sausages. I needed a break. And then I reintroduced them to myself again and they're just as delicious as they were when I first found them.

Sometimes our bodies need rest. Whether it's a short break from intense workouts, or a break to rest our taste buds and the opportunity to find new flavors - we need to find our way back to the old favorites, but also add new and delicious things to our menu. This applies to non-food things, too.

Now, I'm no expert, but I like to share - and so I'm here - sharing with you all. Open and real. It's me. That's who I am. I hope you enjoy my tales and that you've stuck with me on this journey. Or if you're new to my blog, maybe you found me on Instagram where I share my Whole30/Whole45 meals pretty regularly.

I've got a lot more to add to my post-program journey. And I'd also like to share some recipes that go beyond the one above where I just toss ingredients into a pan and Viola! Yumminess ensues. So I hope you'll come back and chat with me a bit about the things that made this program work for me.

In the meantime, I definitely need more breakfast than the RXBAR I dove into when my kiddo left for school. And if you don't know what those are allow me to introduce you. They're Whole30 approved, and while they're not necessarily the best bars I've ever tasted, some of them are pretty good. And it should be no surprise to you that Chocolate Sea Salt is my favorite flavor. Because, you guys? Yum.

Remember you can find more information about Whole30 through this not-quite-cookbook even thought that's totally what I call it. It's the Whole30: The 30-Day Guide To Total Health and Food Freedom book. And it's the best investment I've made in quite some time.

Have a great rest of your day - a great weekend - and please come back and see me again!

* You will find a few affiliate links in this post, which means if you buy anything through them I'll make a few pennies for Amazon shopping, which means I'll get a few pennies off of my next purchase. You don't even have to buy what I recommend - just do your shopping and check out. And thanks for supporting me!


  1. Sounds like you have found something that is working for you. :-)

  2. The food looks yummy. As for hitting the wall, you'll get back. You don't have to start over, you just have to keep going. That's my issue, too. Hang in there.

  3. I think this is a great eating plan. I bet you feel good, too. I've got to get back in the exercise.


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