
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Book Review: The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto, Mitch Albom

books, reading, review, fiction, author, bestseller, amreading, Kindle reads

Mitch Albom is an author I've read many times before. I'd wager a guess and say I've read almost all of his work - at the very least, a majority of his releases. So when I had the opportunity to review The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto for TLC Book Tours I jumped at the chance.

I hadn't read anything from him since two years ago, when he released The First Phone Call From Heaven. That, too, was a powerful book. An incredible read. Most of his stories are.

This one is no exception.

The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto pulls you in and holds you tightly. The telling of the tale of Frankie Presto is written in several voices. Many people who knew Frankie tell you stories about him. Let you know how he impacted their lives. But the primary narrator is music.

Yes. You read that correctly.


Music tells us about Frankie and his journey through life. Music tells us how *he* (is music a he? We don't really know.) impacted Frankie's world and how he was with Frankie from birth. Music tells us how powerful his hold on people is - and how incredible it is to grow and flourish. Music also tells us how when a person is born he is there for the taking, and when a person dies he is there for their gift to return home.

It's amazing - this aspect of the story.

Frankie's story is great, but this one aspect? This one viewpoint? Makes the whole thing.

Add to that the strings and how incredibly powerful they appear to be and you've got a story worth reading.

Albom broke my heart unexpectedly at one point in the story, but I can't even begin to tell you where or when. I'll just say as you read and keep going you'll see. You won't expect it, either. Even with my slight heads up. It's a sucker-punch to the gut. Whoomp.

Overall this book held my interest and kept my heart waiting and hoping. Although we already know much of what Frankie's destiny holds as we start the story, it's the journey that makes it worthwhile.

I definitely recommend picking up a copy of The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto. I think you'll enjoy it and it's worth the read.

** I received a copy of this book from TLC Book Tours to facilitate this review. No compensation was provided. All expressed opinions are my own. **


  1. The primary narrator is Music? I can't even imagine!
    Some people think so creatively, so very OUTSIDE the box, it amazes me!
    Intriguing review.

  2. SOLD. I absolutely love this review, Andrea, based on your words alone I can think of at least 8 people in my life who would appreciate, The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto.

  3. I have never read any of Albom's books but I know I need to - I'm missing out on some fantastic stories!

    Thanks for being a part of the tour.

  4. I've never heard of this author before, but it sounds like I'm missing out. I'll have to grab a copy. I'm in the mood for a good read. Thanks much for telling us about it!

  5. What else has he written? Seems I have read something by him. Great review!


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