
Saturday, November 7, 2015

7 Books I Need To Read

reading, books, I recommend, to-read, lists, fiction, non-fiction

I've got a handful of books that I'm just itching to get into and have not had a chance to pick up yet. Either because I've got too many books I need to be reviewing - or because I have too many books in general and just don't know where to begin.

That said, I've decided to make a fairly simple post tonight and let you know some books I'm going to try to read before 2015 is over. It's a decent list and if you're so inclined I'd love for you to join me. We could read them together and then discuss, almost like our own virtual book club.

As always - there are affiliate links scattered throughout this post - if you purchase your books through them I get a few pennies towards my next book. Or towards Adele's new CD when it finally drops. Because - HELLO.

reading, fiction, books, lists, must-read, to-read, want to read, 2015

reading, nonfiction, books, lists, must-read, to-read, want to read, 2015, inspirational, The Bloggess

reading, fiction, books, lists, must-read, to-read, want to read, 2015

reading, fiction, books, lists, must-read, to-read, want to read, 2015

reading, fiction, books, lists, must-read, to-read, want to read, 2015, historical fiction

reading, fiction, books, lists, must-read, to-read, want to read, 2015

reading, nonfiction, inspiration, books, lists, must-read, to-read, want to read, 2015

So - have you read any of these yet? Are you reading any of them now? What books are on your shelves waiting for you to dive into them? What's on your Nook or your Kindle? What's the best book you've read lately? Fill me in and find me on social media to talk books with!


  1. I haven't read any of those but will have to check them out!!

  2. I've read The Storyteller, and LOVED it. Furiously Happy and Big Magic are both on my list!

  3. I just finished Furiously Happy and really like it (and I didn't like her previous book). It's got a lot more mental health than funny, but I found it inspiring and made me appreciate where I am in my journey. I did notice that I needed to read something totally different afterward, so I wouldn't get brought down, if that makes sense.

  4. Several of these are on my list, too. But I tend not to write the titles down and of course forget about them when I manage to hit the library. If I just bookmark this, it will keep me going for a while.

  5. I haven't read any of these, but need to add at least one or two to my Kindle SOON! I have the new Nicholas Sparks book on my nightstand (pre-ordered before the Kindle was given to me.) And Jane Green's book that came out this summer.

  6. I haven't read any of these, but they really look great. I think I'll start with Furiously Happy first...that sounds perfect. And then next up will be Big Magic for sure. I needed some good books in my life right now..thanks for sharing!

  7. needed to find a good book to read. Thanks for the recommendations.

  8. I haven't read any of those, but Furiously Happy is on my list, as well. Elizabeth Gilbert's podcast is pretty good and a better format for me over a self-help type book, I think. Now that I'm working at a publishing company, I have a gazillion books on my TO READ list...and more going on there all the time! Eep!

  9. I haven't read any of these yet either. I love the covers of The Whole Golden World and The Status of All Things so am most drawn to those. I most recently finished a Sister's Promise by Renita d'Silva set in India and the UK which I enjoyed. I'm trying to make it through The Determined Heart for a TLC Book tour but it's like my Everest, very slow going!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment, hope you'll linkup with our Small Victories Sunday Linkup!


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