
Monday, November 2, 2015

Parents Are Always Prepared. Right?

If you're like me you know that once the school year is underway you're going to be completely lacking in your child's eyes. You see - our kids get sent off to school and before winter break they're in need of about 900 new things. It's not just my child, right? Please tell me it's not just my child.

Fortunately - Zazzle helped me prepare for this early in the year.

Their back-to-school selection is still solid. Need a new backpack because your kiddo has already shredded theirs? Got you covered. Lunchbox already full of stains you can't remove? Great selection available.

Need a new water bottle? Yep. I bought an extra one knowing full well that by mid-fall my daughter's would be moldy, broken, or possibly both. Or lost. Of course. We all know that the school lost-and-found is the place where good things go forever. I'm hoping that since this one has her name on it and it's not a sticky label it will be returned to her if it ever goes missing.

More importantly for my child, I bought her a special notebook. It's got her name on it and is something she'll carry with her for the bus ride home from school. Sending her with some pens, pencils, crayons and a notebook keeps her busy for the hour-long trip home.

I bought her this one - and she loves it. I've only blurred the writing because I don't share her middle name with the public - or really use her name on the blog - but it's personalized! And no extra charge for that.

So - there you go - Zazzle's school supplies selection helps me keep my daughter stocked with what we need. I'm pretty sure I'm going to grab a few more cool notebooks for the coming months. And - honestly? I'll be buying a few for myself, too. Because I'm a writer - yo - I need notebooks and journals aplenty. And the holidays are coming. Perfect gift for the kids in your life, or your best friend, or, let's be honest ... YOU!

Happy shopping!

* This post was sponsored by Zazzle. Products were provided as compensation for review. All opinions expressed are my own. *


  1. I love all of the custom items you can get through Zazzle - and I love that notebook! So cute!

  2. I love Zazzle and have gotten some pretty amazing things through their site. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I have never heard of zazzle. I'll have to check them out.

  4. How fun! Love the personalized notebook. I've never shopped there. Will check it out.

  5. I've never heard of Zaggle, but I really the like stuff you got. The water bottle would make a cute stocking stuffer too.


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