
Sunday, June 12, 2016

Help Stop Summer Hunger

Summer is practically here. Schools are letting out all over the country and many children are excited to be headed off to summer camps or their grandparents' homes. 

Social media will be filled with pictures of splash pads and swim meets, parks and ice cream, and sweaty happy kids exhausted after a day of play.

But some kids won't have that experience. Some children won't be enjoying their summer days. 

They'll be struggling with hunger because their families don't have enough food. They're experiencing food insecurity.

Food insecurity is the state of being unable to consistently access nutritious and adequate amounts of food necessary for an active and healthy life. 

I'd like you to take a moment to consider these kids and how you can help fill their bellies this summer. 

All it takes is a few dollars.

Or a few cans of food.

A simple donation to support the food bank will help a child in need so they don't go to sleep hungry.

And you can be the reason that they get a good night's rest and that they and their families make it through the summer.

The households we serve experience limited or uncertain access to food, and at times are unsure of where they will find their next meal. * 

Can you help? Click the image below to head to the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina to make a contribution today.

For every dollar donated the food bank will be able to provide five meals or distribute $10 worth of food. For every dollar donated 97c goes directly to food and food programs. 

Want to start your own food drive? In need of information on what to donate? The Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina has the info you need. And no matter where you're located this list of nonperishable donations applies.

To find your local food bank head over to Feeding America. A quick zip code search will give you the information you need and you can contribute right away to support individuals and families in your community.

And thank you. For helping the children in your community and giving them a chance to thrive.

** Information source: CENC Food Bank

* I am a social media ambassador for the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina. I am strictly a volunteer for this incredible organization and I use my voice in my space here and on social media to alert people to the need of people in my community. I am not paid or compensated in any way for these pieces or social media shares. If you have any questions feel free to contact me to discuss my role, to request more information, or to inquire about my availability with respect to volunteer work or to inquire about hiring me to assist you and your cause. *  

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