You have already seen my list of 12 books you need to read this summer, right?
You haven't? Go on over. I'll wait.
Now I'm going to blow your mind. I'm going to share a list of lists.
A list of summer reading recs from some amazing writers, authors, bloggers, the whole lot of 'em. And I've got the master list all in one place for you.
So - here goes - after you read my list of books you must read this summer head on over and have a look at these. Also, please take note, book titles and cover images will have affiliate links that take you to Amazon. This is to make your shopping experience super easy and to help support my book habit - so thanks in advance if you do any shopping today!
Traveling With T's Beach Reads has a fantastic variety of books for you to toss into your summer tote. I've read a few of them, and I am excited to see she has Kristy Woodson Harvey's Lies and Other Acts of Love on there. Because that book was incredible.
PopSugar is absolutely on fire with book lists - but if you're a fan you already know that about them - so check out this list of 30+ recommendations for your summer reading. Or maybe have a peek at their list of best beach reads for a summer getaway. PopSugar is going to love me, aren't they? All these links to them. You're welcome, PopSugar!
Remember Redbook? I used to love that magazine, but I kind of dropped all my subscriptions when I couldn't keep up with them. But they have this awesome list of 21 books by women to read this summer. Some of them are already on my Goodreads to-read shelf, but several are totally new to me - books and authors, too. I'm really excited for The Memory of Us by Camille Di Maio.
BookBub blog has a list of books they released for Mother's Day of 13 books mom actually wants to read - so if you haven't yet grabbed some copies of these you're going to want to - especially The Nest, which I really loved.
Goodreads has this fun list of 20 books guaranteed to make you laugh out loud. Laughter is great medicine, isn't it? The cure to all that ails us? Mindy Kaling's Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? is on their list, along with one of my favorite books of ALL TIME, Let's Pretend This Never Happened, by Jenny Lawson aka The Bloggess. Jenny is pee-your-pants hilarious.
BookSparks has a fantastic reading challenge happening over the coming months. It's already started, but you can jump on-board for June, July and August. They also have some fabulous reading recommendations - even if you're not looking to blog about books - but just want something new to read. Personally, I'm anxiously waiting my copy of Don't You Cry by Mary Kubica. I ordered it a few days ago and it's taking WAY too long to get here. If you don't know Kubica you need to. Her first few books have been my absolute favorites of the past year or so. Must reads. Trust me on this. Don't even click anywhere but here: Mary Kubica's Amazon page and buy all three of her books immediately. 
Caryn, The Book Whisperer, has a post up sharing her list of the best beach reads for this year. Several of the titles she shares have just been added to my to-read list. I did read The Royal We and can tell you for certain that it was so much fun. I've recommended it before and it was one of my favorite books of 2015. And my copy of The Status of All Things is calling me and has been for way too long. It's so hard when there are so many amazing books out there - the ones you really want to read sometimes get lost in the shuffle! 
The Charlotte Observer has three new novel suggestions for you that are total beach reads. One of them is in my own summer reading recs list, another on my spring list, but there's one I haven't had the chance to read up on yet - and that's this beauty by Anita Hughes. Doesn't it look perfect? Click the cover for more details!
And Courtney of Bliss, Beauty and Books has a series that she's started called Poolside Picks. Check out the Mary Kay Andrews books she has recommended - with a bonus beauty pick!
Author Kerry Lonsdale has a lovely list of summer reads and the perfect cocktails to go with them. I've read several of the books she recommends, and I'm looking forward to reading HER book when it comes out this August. Everything We Keep covers grief and loss, love and suspense, and looks like the perfect way to wrap up the summer. You can pre-order it today by clicking the cover below.
So, there you have it! An incredible list of lists. I hope that while sorting through these you find more titles to enjoy when you have some downtime this summer - or spring - if you're looking for a list of books you need to read right now I have several options for you.
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Happy reading!
I just read Jenny's 'Furiously Happy' and she is funny and I learned a lot about mental health issues. She is wonderful to speak so freely about her illness and struggles. I will have to put others on my list. Thanks!