
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Memory of Us, Camille Di Maio

fiction, amreading, goodreads, book recommendation, reading, must read, summer reads
The Memory of Us is one of the best books I've read in 2016.

Yes. We're halfway through the year - give or take - so that's kind of a big statement. I'm over thirty books in. (That doesn't show much for my hopes to hit 100 this year, but meets my not-so-lofty normal 60-something reads.)

We start off meeting the lovely and elegant Juliette Westcott. A young girl, Juliette is from an affluent family in Liverpool. We enjoy her right away. And we notice that she's a bit different from many of the upper class people she's surrounded with.

But she really is delightful.

One thing we love about Juliette is when we learn that she has found out about her twin brother Charles. Charles was born deaf and blind, and was quickly institutionalized - hidden from the world - at Bootle House. Juliette's parents do not know that she knows of his existence. But she does. And she has ensured that she is a part of his life. 

Juliette quietly goes to visit him when time permits for her to sneak away. It is there that Juliette meets Kyle. Kyle, the gardener. A young man working with his father to take care of the grounds at Bootle House. A young man who has connected with her non-communicative brother. Through plants, no less! Juliette can't help but find herself drawn to the man. 

Kyle is attractive and kind. Kyle is nice to her brother. Kyle is, however, in school to become a Catholic priest. Kyle, therefore, is unavailable. 

Juliette does her best to push Kyle out of her mind. She heads off to nursing school in London. She works hard. She dates. She dances. She does all the thing a proper young lady does with her friends in 1930s London. Life was so different then. I never questioned that I was not living in this time with Di Maio. This book was flawless in that regard. 

I must share that I have read many books that include historical fiction as - perhaps I'd call it a secondary story? - and often skimmed through the details and descriptions. This story was so so different. The time and location, the impending war, all of it is there and is a part of the story. But it ebbs and flows with its importance, and you never tire of it or roll your eyes asking why it's been included. The war has a huge role in this book. It impacts Juliette and Kyle beyond what I can share in a simple non-spoiler review. But it's not the kind of storyline that feels wrong for the time it is set in. It's so well written and enjoyable. So so good. 

The other characters in this book were equally as powerful. From Juliette's overbearing parents to her best friend Lucille. Add in her nursing school friends, Ms. Ellis from Bootle House, Nurse Jane and they're all incredibly strong and enjoyable characters. All important to the story.  

The Memory of Us is a must read. You absolutely have to get yourself a copy. You can buy it right now on Amazon - download for your Kindle right away or order yourself the paperback. (Links are affiliate links for your shopping convenience.)

And honestly? I think you'll enjoy her writing so much that you're bound to pop over and pre-order her next book, even though it won't be out until May 2017. Happy reading!

* I received a copy of this book from NetGalley to facilitate my review. This does not impact how much I loved this book. I was not compensated in any way for this post and all expressed opinions are my own. *


  1. "The Memory of Us" is now on my reading list. Thanks!

  2. Well you have hooked me, now I HAVE to know if they end up together. Can't wait to check it out!

  3. I enjoyed your review! It's been fun sharing this book together.


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