
Sunday, December 25, 2016

Graham Cracker Pecan Toffee Squares

holiday cookie, pecans, toffee, graham crackers, simple recipe, dessert, cookie squares

You guys? You're totally going to want to throw all your healthy eating out the window when it comes to this pecan toffee goodness, I just want to warn you in advance. Indulge. You can do it moderately, you know you can. Or make these for the next potluck you're going to. They're way more than just a fall or winter treat.


My friend Natasha of Houseful of Nicholes hosts a 25 days of cookies blog hop - and I'm wrapping things up today - on Christmas Day. And I have to tell you, these Graham Cracker Pecan Toffee Squares are amazing. And so so simple. If you've ever tried my favorite Holiday Saltine Toffee Treats, you're going to see the similarities. And if you haven't? Definitely do. They're just as simple and delicious.

Graham Cracker Pecan Toffee Squares


graham crackers 
3 sticks of butter
1-1/2 cups brown sugar
pecan halves
*note for the pecans: you make the call on whether you want these broken down more or not*


Line your cookie sheet with some foil. Lay out the graham crackers to cover the sheet fully. 

holiday cookie, pecans, toffee, graham crackers, simple recipe, dessert, cookie squares

Start melting butter on the stove. 

holiday cookie, pecans, toffee, graham crackers, simple recipe, dessert, cookie squares

Add in the brown sugar. Bring to a rolling boil, mixing or whisking repeatedly. If you're not sure what a rolling boil means (because I had no clue the first few times I tried to prepare recipes with that term in them!) - watch the butter and sugar mixture. It will begin bubbling and you need to mix while it does. I've learned that three minutes can be a magic number when it comes to the rolling boil - but pay attention - because you need to add in your pecans to the mix and that means three minutes total. So, figure the sugar and butter needs to start boiling slowly before you add in the pecans. Keep mixing and at the point it starts to seem perfectly gooey and sticky? Stop!

holiday cookie, pecans, toffee, graham crackers, simple recipe, dessert, cookie squares

Pour the mixture over your graham crackers and get ready to pop them into the oven.

Note: I may or may not have added a splash of vanilla extract in at this point. I honestly don't remember. I've also looked at a number of recipes to try and figure out which inspired me with this - and there are a good handful out there so I can't specifically tell you that, either!

holiday cookie, pecans, toffee, graham crackers, simple recipe, dessert, cookie squares

Bake at 350 degrees for about 10-12 minutes. Peek in on them. Are they golden and bubbly and looking amazing? They're ready.

I mean. Look at them. They're SO good.

holiday cookie, pecans, toffee, graham crackers, simple recipe, dessert, cookie squares

And as difficult as this is going to be? LET. THEM. COOL.

They're going to smell amazing and you're going to want to eat one immediately.


Listen up, don't do it. You'll scald yourself.

Put the tray into the fridge or freezer for a little bit and let them settle and cool.

Once they're ready you'll know. They'll break apart easily and safely and you'll be golden (and so will they!). Store them in an airtight container for as long as they last. And - should you happen to find yourself the only person eating them and need to hide them from yourself for a while? They are actually pretty amazing frozen.

Or so I hear.

holiday cookie, pecans, toffee, graham crackers, simple recipe, dessert, cookie squares

Thanks so much, Natasha, for inviting me to participate in this year's cookiepalooza! And be sure to check out the #housefulofcookies hashtag on social media to see what everyone else has shared.

1 comment:

  1. This is my first time seeing something like this, however my sister in law stated that one of her coworkers makes it with saltines too! I can't wait to look at all of these recipes for the future!


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