
Friday, May 19, 2017

Extreme You: Step Up. Stand Out. Kick Ass. Repeat.

self-help, book review, inspiration, Sarah Robb O'Hagan, nonfiction, reading, motivational reads,
There are so many books out right now that remind you to be your best self. Encourage you to work your hardest. Some of them seem, well, eh. Some of them look like they're going to become your next bible. Worksheets and whatnot.

And then there's Extreme You.

NOTE: There will be affiliate links scattered throughout this post. Shop through me and support my reading habit/addiction! Thank you.

Extreme You: Step Up. Stand Out. Kick Ass. Repeat.

I mean, with a title like that, how could you say no, right?

Which is why I'm reviewing this book today for TLC Book Tours. It was provided to me to review honestly, and if you know me you know that my receiving a free copy of a book does not impact my review at all.

Sarah Robb O'Hagan was a corporate climber. Until she wasn't. O'Hagan tells her story and leaves nothing out. She shares the good, the bad AND the ugly.

This book - honestly - is not the worksheet-filled bible-type read I mentioned. I've got plenty of those I can suggest for you, if that's more your style. This is the kind of book that walks you through a person's life and gives you practical and powerful, or perhaps empowering, information. It's the kind of book that helps you to learn a person's story and experience, and relate it to yourself. To your needs. Dreams. Goals.

My favorite part of Extreme You is the Extreme Moves section of many of the chapters. Actually, most chapters. I'm forgetting exactly how many - so, please, forgive me that, if you would.

I've pulled out some of the extreme moves noted that impacted me the most. It doesn't matter what chapter they fall under. What matters is that they affected me. And they might mean something to you, too.


Step Up and Stand Out
No matter whether you are in the leader role or the follower role, be the one who pursues the vision.

Refuse To Become Obsolete
The real danger ... is to become to dependent on what you already know.

Admit What You Don't Know
Pulling off the protective layers of overconfidence and mistaken certainty to find the humility to admit what you don't know - to others and sometimes to yourself - can be awkward and painful.

Proper Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance
Presenting your ideas is nothing if you haven't thought through how to execute them.

Make Your Goals and Methods Your Own
Meeting my own goals in my own way isn't just a method of achieving big objectives; it's a way to make each day go better.

Forget The Competition
Other people are always going to be better at being themselves than you are at imitating them.

No matter where you are in your life, personally or professionally, Extreme You has something for you.

You can find out more about this book over at HarperCollins Publishers.

You can read up on Sarah on the Extreme You website.

And you can immediately order a copy of this book for yourself over on Amazon.

* As stated, this post was sponsored by TLC Book Tours. I am not receiving compensation for this content, but the book was provided to me to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own. *

1 comment:

  1. "Admit What You Don't Know" ... Sometimes I'm embarrassed to admit I don't know something, but it always serves me better in the end! Also, that thing about refusing to become obsolete...what a great lesson in this day and age!

    Thank you for being on this tour!


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