
Thursday, November 9, 2017

I Was (And Am) Down For The Count

soup image obtained on pixabay

When I'm down for the count I don't usually pull out the laptop and start writing.

Actually, not true.

Sometimes I do.

It's the place I go, this blog, to talk about all of the things.

But last night I got so sick so quickly that I spiked a fever and had a stomach bug all at once and there was no way in heck I was successfully making it through NaBloPoMo.

But then - whoop! Saved!

I wrote a post for Midlife Boulevard, my home away from home when it comes to talking about books, and it went live yesterday.

And so - my streak continues. This totally counts, people.

Because I say so.

So - please head on over and check out my list of The Perfect Fall Reads.

Pretty please and thank you.

And since I'm still under the weather I'll give you a few links to some of my favorite posts around the web - or on my blog - or wherever I can think of.  This first one is from me [talking about books and more books!] - the rest are from my peeps [and yes, there are a few recipes!].

Four Books You Need To Buy Today

An Easy Sunday Night Dinner - Butterscotch Sundae

Pumpkin Whoopie Pies - Love Jaime

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins - Cathy Herard

Grown People Music - What I've Learned From Jay-Z's "4:44" - Casey Palmer

So - pop over - tell my friends I sent you - and come join us on this National Blog Posting Month adventure we're all on. In the meantime I'm going to crawl back under these covers and hope tomorrow is a better day.


  1. Oh man, I hate that you're so sick, but I'm glad that post on MLB kept you in the NaBloPoMo game. Thanks for the book recommendations and link love and feel better soon. xoxo

  2. Feel better soon, Andrea! I will definitely head over to check your suggestions out....eventually!

    Kim @ The ReInVintaged Life

  3. I hate that you're sick! It's going through our house with a vengeance. Sending all of the well wishes now.

  4. Hope you feel better soon! I have heard a lot of people are sick so take care!


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