
Wednesday, July 24, 2019


life, making changes, tattoos, ink, happiness, piercings, love, painting, emotions, life after divorce

There's only so much in one person's life that remains consistent.

There's only so much in one person's life that remains exactly the same all the time.

Yes. Those two sentences mean the same thing.

Kinda sorta.

Consistent does not necessarily mean exactly the same, although in some definitions you'll find that it means "the same way all the time" and in others it means, well, not exactly the same but similarly.


Life has ups and downs (and overs and outs) and we all go along for the ride.

Many a person has lost their life to these ups and downs.

Many a person has lost their will to face the downs, or the repeated cycle of up-down-up-down.


Not me.

I'm riding it to the end, my friends.

I'm taking each up and waiting for the down - because I am human and I know that a down will come. What comes up must come down and all that.

This post is full of random song lyrics.

If you know me, perhaps you expected nothing less.

* She took the midnight train going an-y-where * 

[Why? No real reason. It popped into my head, is all.]

And I am also taking each down? And waiting for the up.

Because although there is no song about what is down must go back up - that I know of, anyway - there is most definitely always an up coming my way.

It may seem like it's taking forever to get to me.

Maybe it got lost along the path to my house.

Maybe it was misdirected by the tough and bumpy roads that exist around me.

Maybe it was - well - maybe it's just taking its sweet damned time. I don't know.

But it's coming.

It's always coming my way.

And I'm always ready for it.

Are you?

But let me tell you something.

While I wait?

For the up - or whatever?

I'm making my own changes.




I need.

life, making changes, tattoos, ink, happiness, piercings, love, painting, emotions, life after divorce

I'm painting my tapestry.

Decorating my home.

Opening the windows and letting the air in.

Blasting my music and singing along.

Snuggling my babies - human and furry ones.

Eating what I want to eat.

Drinking what I want to drink.

Moving how I want to move.

Making whatever changes I deem necessary for me.

And doing it all with a smile.

Or a frown.

With laughter.

And tears.

With happiness.




Fully and wholly and truly.





Changes and otherwise.

I'm living, friends.

Join me for the ride.

life, making changes, tattoos, ink, happiness, piercings, love, painting, emotions, life after divorce


  1. I love your writing.

    I'm in a down at the moment. Part hormonal, part a change, but not in the way one might think. It's not so much because of the change--it's the way I'm being treated by a family member.


  2. I love this. I felt the summer closing in on me. I was overwhelmed, unable to focus on work, my health, family - I felt strangled by all of it so I walked away from work for the rest of the summer. So far it's been the best decision I made.


Comments are like air to a writer.

So please - say something - help me BREATHE!