
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A Book A Month For 2020!

Hey! Guess who started this post a few months ago?

*looks around*

Yep, you guessed correctly.

The major bonus there is that some of the early titles I list below are already available to you. Yay! Go forth and read, friends. It's a great way to get through each day.

nonfiction, fiction, reading, Goodreads, Kindle, ebooks, reading recommendations, reading while quarantined, books,

I'm normally an avid reader.

Truly tearing through books left and right.

2019 was a totally different kind of reading year for me.

I left many books unfinished. Not necessarily because I didn't enjoy them, but because I was distracted, frustrated, or - yes - quite possibly bored.

But this is a new and fresh year, and I am planning on reading all the things.

Read with me?

I have decided to share one new release per month that I am planning to read this coming year.

Let me know if you'll join me. It'll be fun.

And if you want to talk books, consider popping into my Facebook group: I Like Big Books!

* p.s. Links may be affiliate links and if you use them to shop I'll make a few cents from your purchase at no cost to you - so, thanks!

12 Books To Read in 2020


fiction, reading, Goodreads, Kindle, ebooks, reading recommendations, reading while quarantined, books,


nonfiction, reading, Goodreads, Kindle, ebooks, reading recommendations, reading while quarantined, books,


fiction, reading, Goodreads, Kindle, ebooks, reading recommendations, reading while quarantined, books,


fiction, reading, Goodreads, Kindle, ebooks, reading recommendations, reading while quarantined, books,


fiction, reading, Goodreads, Kindle, ebooks, reading recommendations, reading while quarantined, books,

June (yes, again)

fiction, reading, Goodreads, Kindle, ebooks, reading recommendations, reading while quarantined, books,


fiction, reading, Goodreads, Kindle, ebooks, reading recommendations, reading while quarantined, books,


fiction, reading, Goodreads, Kindle, ebooks, reading recommendations, reading while quarantined, books,


Anxious People, Fredrik Backman

* cover not yet revealed *

fiction, reading, Goodreads, Kindle, ebooks, reading recommendations, reading while quarantined, books,


Reviving the Hawthorn Sisters, Emily Carpenter

fiction, reading, Goodreads, Kindle, ebooks, reading recommendations, reading while quarantined, books,


After All I've Done, Mina Hardy

fiction, reading, Goodreads, Kindle, ebooks, reading recommendations, reading while quarantined, books,

Okay, friends. I give up. I have been searching for a December release for weeks and have had no real luck finding something that I could concretely share with you. So. I am skipping December. Who reads during the holidays, anyway, right? (I know - I know, many of us do!)

Instead I'm going to toss an extra into the mix. Scroll back a bit. You'll notice that June has two titles. Maybe you already noticed. Whatever. You'll forgive me - right? Because there's no overlooking Jasmine Guillory. Period. 

Now - let me know which covers you like best. Because we all know we totally do judge books by their covers. 

Happy reading!

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