
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Please Donate To Your Local Food Bank.

COVID-19 Food Bank Donations Needed, food bank, donate, contribute, canned goods, boxed pantry items, nutrition month, Food Bank of Central and Eastern Carolina, Feeding America

Of course you've seen the stories.

Local shopping cart filled to the top with toilet paper! Story at 11:00!

Chaos ensues at *fill in the blank store name* - hand sanitizer aisle completely EMPTY!

But what about the food?

What about all the groceries you've bought for you and your family, in case - in case you end up stuck at home like you're in a few inches of ice in North Carolina!

What about the food?

More importantly, what about the people who can't afford to stock up the way that you can?

Can you pick up a few extra boxes of pasta, bags of rice or beans, cans of soup or vegetables, and donate them to your local food bank?

Because food insecurity is a real thing.

And as district after district close schools across the states, we need to know that the children are being fed. And that their families are being fed, as well.

There are many items that could benefit a family or individual in need.

Consider the seniors in your area, those with new babies, and those unable to stock up on all of the paper products like you did.

This graphic below is from the Food Bank of Central and Eastern Carolina, which is my local food bank. I have been volunteering with them for several years as a social media ambassador, and am proud of the work that they do supporting those in need in our community. Take a look at these suggestions - grab a few - and then find a food bank near you.

COVID-19 Food Bank Donations Needed, food bank, donate, contribute, canned goods, boxed pantry items, nutrition month, Food Bank of Central and Eastern Carolina, Feeding America

And if even thinking about heading to the store is just too much? Or if getting to the food bank itself seems impossible? Consider making an online donation.  Whether you do so to Feeding America, the organization which supports food banks across the country, or to your local food bank, the money you contribute will help feed those in need. And there are so so many people who could use your help.

COVID-19 Food Bank Donations Needed, food bank, donate, contribute, canned goods, boxed pantry items, nutrition month, Food Bank of Central and Eastern Carolina, Feeding America

March is National Nutrition Month. What better time to help ensure that children, adults, families everywhere are supported in their journey towards healthy eating?

Please consider sharing and showing your support today.

Your community needs you.

Thanks, y'all.

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