
Saturday, January 15, 2022

Barking at the Moon, Tracy Beckerman

nonfiction, book review, books, dogs, pet owner, pet parent
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Let me start by sharing that I have known Tracy Beckerman since June of 2012. 

While that doesn't remotely sound possible when I do the math in my head, I popped over to check my Lost In Suburbia review and realize, oh. Yep. It is true.

The fortune of meeting Tracy and getting to know her over the years has blessed me with her incredible sense of humor. 

And when you pick up your copy (or Kindle/iPad/eReader of some sort) of Barking at the Moon, you'll know exactly what I mean.

Barking at the Moon is the tale of Tracy's first family dog, Riley. 

*Disclaimer: a copy of this book was provided to me to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own.

Riley was adorable. Riley was mischievous. Riley was the sweetest and goodest boi.

GAH. Look at his face. Y'all, I am quite certain I adore this dog. 

dogs, fun, mischief, devil dog

Riley had a taste for socks and underwear, and, of course, most anything he could get ahold of. It also sounds like he quite often had what I refer to as the zoomies, and was just cute enough to get away with all of it. 

What I love about Tracy, and her writing, is how real she keeps things. 

So while we get to experience her introduction to dog-parenting, we also get a lot of human parenting experiences in the mix. And fish-parenting. Chinchilla-parenting. Lizard-parenting. Or is it considered grandparenting if the pet is your child's? I honestly don't know. I'm the fur-baby mama to all the pets in my home at the moment. 

Pick up a copy of Barking at the Moon and you'll find yourself laughing, screaming (lizards eat bugs, y'all - don't ask - just read), and crying a bit, as well. 

I know there's often a saying people share, that we don't deserve dogs. 

I don't know that I agree, because most people I know love their dogs so very much and truly do deserve to be loved as much in return. But I do understand that sometimes the amount of heart they have - many people are just not worthy of that kind of love. /shrug/ It's a harsh truth, but it's still a truth. 

Tracy and her family deserved sweet Riley. 

They also deserved the love and heart of the dog that joined their family later on, just as sweet and cute and special. Meet Monty, seen below with a copy of Tracy's book about his predecessor.  

Now, what you really want to know is how you can get your hands on a copy - right? 

Barking at the Moon has been marked down over at Amazon, and you can get the Kindle version of the book for just $2.99 for the entire month of January. 

$2.99 is a STEAL. 

So go on and grab yourself a copy. And if you prefer to hold your books in your hand so you can fall asleep while reading without dropping an electronic device on your face [come on, I can't be the only one!], you can buy that there, too, by clicking the link below: 

Barking at the Moon: A Story of Life, Love, and Kibble: paperback

And get to know sweet Riley. I promise you'll be glad you did. 

Find out more about my incredible friend Tracy and her other books over at:

And for more snippets of entertainment and great photos, head on over to tracyinmidlife on Instagram. Be sure and tell her I sent you!


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