Sunday, October 25, 2009

I was on a tear for a little while

And now I'm so not.

I had posted a little over a month ago about trying to read 100 books in 2009.

Not sure about that these days. I hit a speed bump, or two, or more, in the name of several books I just couldn't finish or truly get through. And while I read some, I hate to add them to a list that should be of completed books only.

But I just read one that I finished today, and started a day or two ago, and really enjoyed, so I hope to be back on my tear.

And here we have a link to my previous reads: Books 1-33 and below you'll find a few more I'm adding to my completed list!

34. Belle du Jour, The Secret Diary of a Call Girl, by Anonymous

35. I am Three, by "me," as told to Jerri Wolfe

36. The Girl Who Stopped Swimming, by Jocelyn Jackson

I'll hope to have more to come over the coming weeks, and we'll see if I can suddenly hit 100 before 2010. Otherwise I'll be happy with 50, and super happy with 55!


  1. Impressive goal! I love reading and I can not imagine a day when I don't read at least a paragraph in one of my books. I'm going to go check out the other books you've read. I do like Jocelyn Jackson (and I think she is a Georgia girl, too).

  2. 100 books in a year, that's amazing. The most I ever read was 17. Alot of those consisted of the Left Behind series.

    Great blog I'm following.


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